
traɪt прил. банальный, избитый, неоригинальный Syn : cliche, hackneyed, stale, stereotyped, stock, threadbare, banal, commonplace Ant : creative, up-to-date банальный, избитый - * idea банальная идея - * remark банальное замечание - * expression избитое выражение - a * but true observation не новое, но верное наблюдение потертый, стертый - a * bronze coin стертовая бронзовая монета исхоженный, торный (о дороге, тропе и т. п.) trite банальный, избитый;
trite phrase избитая фраза;
trite metaphor стершаяся метафора trite банальный, избитый;
trite phrase избитая фраза;
trite metaphor стершаяся метафора trite банальный, избитый;
trite phrase избитая фраза;
trite metaphor стершаяся метафора

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "trite" в других словарях:

  • Trite — ? Trite Trite planiceps …   Википедия

  • Trite — (tr[imac]t), a. [L. tritus, p. p. of terere to rub, to wear out; probably akin to E. throw. See {Throw}, and cf. {Contrite}, {Detriment}, {Tribulation}, {Try}.] Worn out; common; used until so common as to have lost novelty and interest;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • trite — trite, hackneyed, stereotyped, threadbare, shopworn are comparable when they describe something, especially a once effective idea or expression in writing or art or a dramatic plot, lacking the power to evoke attention or interest because it… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • trite´ly — trite «tryt», adjective, trit|er, trit|est. worn out by constant use or repetition; no longer new or interesting; commonplace; hackneyed: »“Cheeks like roses” is a trite expression. SYNONYM(S) …   Useful english dictionary

  • trite — [traıt] adj [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: tritus, past participle of terere to rub, wear out ] a trite remark, idea etc is boring, not new, and insincere ▪ Her remarks sounded trite and ill informed. >triteness n [U] >tritely adv ▪… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • trite — [trīt] adj. triter, tritest [L tritus, pp. of terere, to rub, wear out < IE base * ter , to rub, bore > THROW, Gr tryein, to wear away] worn out by constant use; no longer having freshness, originality, or novelty; stale [a trite idea,… …   English World dictionary

  • Trité — est une société de production et de distribution cinématographique russe fondée par le réalisateur Nikita Mikhalkov. Liens externes (ru) Site officiel Trité sur l’Internet Movie Database Version plus complète en anglais …   Wikipédia en Français

  • trite — [ traıt ] adjective a trite remark is not interesting or original because it is what people usually say in a particular situation …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Trite — TRITE, es, (⇒ Tab. XVIII.) eine von des Danaus funfzig Töchtern, welche von des Aegyptus Söhnen den Enceladus zu ihrem Bräutigame bekam. Hygin. Fab. 170 …   Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon

  • trite — I adjective banal, boring, bromidic, common, commonplace, conventional, dull, familiar, hackneyed, known, much used, oft repeated, old, ordinary, overused, pervulgatus, platitudinous, prosaic, proverbial, routine, run of the mill, shopworn, stale …   Law dictionary

  • TRITE — urbs circa Herculis columnas, Steph …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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