tristate device

tristate device

1. устройство с тремя состояниями
2. элемент с тремя состояниями

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tristate device" в других словарях:

  • Complex Programmable Logic Device — Eom Altera MAX 7000 series CPLD mit 2500 Gattern. CPLD steht für Complex Programmable Logic Device. Die Technologie eigenspezifischer ICs ist seit den 60er Jahren bekannt, als Harris Semiconductor einen Baustein herausbrachte, dessen wesentlicher …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Three-state logic — In digital electronics three state, tri state, or 3 state logic allows output ports to have a value of logical 0, 1, or Hi Z. A Hi Z output puts the pin in a high impedance state, effectively removing the pin from its influence on the circuit.… …   Wikipedia

  • Charlieplexing — is a technique proposed in early 1995 by Charlie Allen at Maxim Integrated Products for driving a multiplexed display in which relatively few I/O pins on a microcontroller are used to drive an array of LEDs. The method utilizes the tri state… …   Wikipedia

  • AMBA High-performance Bus — AHB (Advanced High performance Bus) is a bus protocol introduced in AMBA Specification version 2 published by ARM Ltd company.In addition to previous release, it has the following features: * single edge clock protocol * split transactions *… …   Wikipedia

  • Logic gate — A logic gate is an idealized or physical device implementing a Boolean function, that is, it performs a logical operation on one or more logic inputs and produces a single logic output. Depending on the context, the term may refer to an ideal… …   Wikipedia

  • CPLD — Eom Altera MAX 7000 series CPLD mit 2500 Gattern. CPLD steht für Complex Programmable Logic Device. Die Technologie eigenspezifischer ICs ist seit den 60er Jahren bekannt, als Harris Semiconductor einen Baustein herausbrachte, dessen wesentlicher …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ciright Systems — Ciright Systems, Inc. Type Private Industry Office automation Business process cloud technologies Founded Pennsylvania 1993 …   Wikipedia

  • Ternary logic — A ternary, three valued or trivalent logic (sometimes abbreviated 3VL) is a term to describe any of several multi valued logic systems in which there are three truth values indicating true , false and some third value. This is contrasted with the …   Wikipedia

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