
трисектриса (математика) трисектриса

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "trisectrix" в других словарях:

  • Trisectrix — In geometry, a trisectrix is a curve which can be used to trisect an arbitrary angle. Such a method falls outside those allowed by compass and straightedge constructions, so they do not contradict the well known theorem which states that an… …   Wikipedia

  • Trisectrix of Maclaurin — In geometry, the trisectrix of Maclaurin is a cubic plane curve defined by the equation in polar coordinates:r= a frac{sin 3 heta}{sin 2 heta} = {a over 2} frac{4 cos^2 heta 1} {cos heta} = {a over 2} (4 cos heta sec heta). In Cartesian… …   Wikipedia

  • trisectrix — tri·sec·trix …   English syllables

  • trisectrix — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Limaçon trisectrix — In geometry, a limaçon trisectrix, or simply trisectrix is a member of the Limaçon family of curves which is named from its trisectrix or angle trisection property. Up to rotation and translation, the equation in polar coordinates is: r=b(1+2cos… …   Wikipedia

  • Dinostratus — (Greek: Δεινόστρατος, c. 390 BCE – c. 320 BCE) was a Greek mathematician and geometer, and the brother of Menaechmus. He is known for using the quadratrix to solve the problem of squaring the circle. Contents 1 Life and work 2 Citations and… …   Wikipedia

  • Dinostratus' theorem — In geometry, Dinostratus theorem describes a property of Hippias trisectrix, that allows for the squaring the circle if the trisectrix can be used in addition to straightedge and compass. The theorem is named after the Greek mathematician… …   Wikipedia

  • Folium of Descartes — In Geometry, the Folium of Descartes is an algebraic curve defined by the equation :x^3 + y^3 3 a x y = 0 ,. It forms a loop in the first quadrant with a double point at the origin and asymptote :x + y + a = 0 ,. It is symmetrical about y =… …   Wikipedia

  • Dinóstrato — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Dinóstrato (en griego Δεινόστρατος, ca. 390 a.C. ca. 320 a.C) fue un matemático y geómetra griego, hermano de Menecmo. Es conocido por emplear la cuadratriz para resolver el problema de la cuadratura del círculo …   Wikipedia Español

  • Deinostratos — (griechisch Δεινόστρατος, * ca. 390 v. Chr.; † ca. 320 v. Chr.) war ein griechischer Mathematiker und Geometer und Bruder von Menaichmos. Er ist dadurch bekannt, dass er die Quadratrix des Hippias zur Lösung des Problems der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Angle trisection — The problem of trisecting the angle is a classic problem of compass and straightedge constructions of ancient Greek mathematics.Two tools are allowed # An un marked straightedge, and # a compass, Problem: construct an angle one third a given… …   Wikipedia

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