

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "triplicating" в других словарях:

  • triplicating — trip·li·cate || trɪplɪkÉ™t v. triple, copy three times; produce three of adj. triple, treble, threefold …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Westall railway station, Melbourne — MelbourneRailwayStation1 NAME=Westall CODE=WTL DISTANCE=21.4 km LINES=Cranbourne, Pakenham PLATFORMS=2 TRACKS=2 STATUS=Unmanned station FACILITIES= [ Link] TIMETABLES= [http://www.metlinkmelbourne …   Wikipedia

  • Laverton railway station, Melbourne — MelbourneRailwayStation1 NAME=Laverton IMAGELINK=Laverton station overpass.jpg CAPTION=Overview of the station from the access footbridge, looking towards Melbourne CODE=LAV DISTANCE=22.2 km LINES=Werribee PLATFORMS=2 TRACKS=2 STATUS=Premium… …   Wikipedia

  • triplicate — triplication, n. n., adj. /trip li kit, kayt /; v. /trip li kayt /, n., v., triplicated, triplicating, adj. n. 1. one of three identical items, esp. copies of typewritten material. 2. in triplicate, a. in three identical copies: This letter… …   Universalium

  • triplicate — verb (t) /ˈtrɪpləkeɪt / (say tripluhkayt) (triplicated, triplicating) 1. to make threefold; triple. 2. to make or produce a third time or in a third instance. –adjective /ˈtrɪpləkət / (say tripluhkuht) 3. threefold; triple; tripartite. –noun… …  

  • triplicate — [trip′li kit; ] for v. [, trip′likāt΄] adj. [ME < L triplicatus, pp. of triplicare, to treble < triplex: see TRIPLEX] 1. threefold 2. designating the third of identical copies n. any of three identical copies or things vt. triplicated,… …   English World dictionary

  • trip|li|ca|tion — «TRIHP luh KAY shuhn», noun. 1. the act or process of triplicating. 2. the fact of being triplicated. 3. something triplicated. 4. Linguistics. a) the formation of a word by triple repetition of an element. b) a word thus formed …   Useful english dictionary

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