tripartite system

tripartite system
трехвидовая система образования (со средними школами трех типов - классическими, средними современными и техническими)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tripartite system" в других словарях:

  • Tripartite System — The Tripartite System, known colloquially as the grammar school system, was the structure by which secondary education was organised in England and Wales between the 1944 Butler Education Act and the Education Act 1976, and in Northern Ireland… …   Wikipedia

  • Tripartite — means composed of or split into three parts, or refers to three parties. Specifically, it may also refer to any of the following:* 3 (number) * Tripartite (theology) body, soul and spirit * Tripartite monotheism, the technical term for the… …   Wikipedia

  • Tripartite language — A tripartite language, also called an ergative accusative language, is one that treats the subject of an intransitive verb, the subject of a transitive verb, and the object of a transitive verb each in different ways. If the language has… …   Wikipedia

  • Tripartite Accord (Angola) — For other uses, see Tripartite Accord (disambiguation). The Tripartite Accord, Three Powers Accord or New York Accords granted independence to Namibia and ended the direct involvement of foreign troops in the Angolan Civil War. The accords were… …   Wikipedia

  • tripartite — tri|par|tite [ traı par,taıt ] adjective FORMAL 1. ) involving three countries or organizations: a tripartite alliance 2. ) consisting of three parts: a tripartite political system …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • tripartite — UK [traɪˈpɑː(r)taɪt] / US [traɪˈpɑrˌtaɪt] adjective formal 1) involving three countries or organizations a tripartite alliance 2) consisting of three parts a tripartite political system …   English dictionary

  • Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System — The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) is Canada’s national hazard communication standard. The key elements of the system, which came into effect on October 31, 1988, are cautionary labelling of containers of WHMIS… …   Wikipedia

  • National University Health System — The National University Health System (NUHS) (Chinese: 国立大学医学组织 ; pinyin: guŏ lì dà xue yī xue zǔ zhī; Malay: Sistem Kesihatan Universiti Kebangsaan) is an academic health science centre located in Singapore. It was established in January… …   Wikipedia

  • Debates on the grammar school — The debate about the British Tripartite System, also known as the grammar school system, still continues years after its abolition was initiated, and has evolved into a debate about the pros and cons of selective education in general. In general …   Wikipedia

  • History of education in England — The History of education in England can be traced back to the Anglo Saxon settlement of England, or even back to the Roman occupation. During the Middle Ages schools were established to teach Latin grammar, while apprenticeship was the main way… …   Wikipedia

  • Grammar school — A grammar school is one of several different types of school in the history of education in the United Kingdom and other English speaking countries.In the modern United States, the term is synonymous with elementary school.The original purpose of …   Wikipedia

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