trim the edge
Смотреть что такое "trim the edge" в других словарях:
edge — [ej] n. [ME egge < OE ecg, akin to ON egg, Ger ecke, corner < IE base * ak , sharp: see ACID] 1. the thin, sharp, cutting part of a blade 2. the quality of being sharp or keen 3. the projecting ledge or brink, as of a cliff 4. the part… … English World dictionary
edge — n. & v. n. 1 a boundary line or margin of an area or surface. 2 a narrow surface of a thin object. 3 the meeting line of two surfaces of a solid. 4 a the sharpened side of the blade of a cutting instrument or weapon. b the sharpness of this (the… … Useful english dictionary
Trim tab — Trim tabs are small surfaces connected to the trailing edge of a larger control surface on a boat or aircraft. The angle of the tab relative to the larger surface can be adjusted to null out hydro or aero dynamic forces and stabilise the boat or… … Wikipedia
The mrbrown show — is a Singaporean podcast with the slogan Singapore s Favourite Podcast The daily episodes consists of lively, satirical audio skits and occasional interviews with guests, as well as original songs. The show lampoons current affairs or recent… … Wikipedia
The Streets — Nom Mike Skinner Naissance 27 novembre … Wikipédia en Français
edge — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Extreme border Nouns 1. edge, verge, brink, brow, brim, curb, margin, limit, boundary, border, skirt, rim, flange, side; mouth, jaws, lip; frame, fringe, flounce, frill, trim[ming], edging, skirting, hem … English dictionary for students
edge — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 place where sth ends ADJECTIVE ▪ top, upper ▪ the top edge of the picture frame ▪ bottom, lower ▪ inner … Collocations dictionary
trim — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun Trim is used after these nouns: ↑fur, ↑wheel, ↑wood {{Roman}}II.{{/Roman}} verb ADVERB ▪ carefully, neatly, perfectly ▪ his neatly trimmed bea … Collocations dictionary
edge — 1. noun 1) the edge of the lake Syn: border, boundary, extremity, fringe, margin, side; lip, rim, brim, brink, verge; perimeter, circumference, periphery, limits, bounds … Thesaurus of popular words
edge — 1. noun 1) the edge of the lake Syn: border, boundary, extremity, fringe, margin, side, lip, rim, brim, brink, verge, perimeter 2) she had an edge in her voice Syn … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
The Weather Channel — For the Australian Weather Channel with the same name, see The Weather Channel (Australia). The Weather Channel, LLC TWC logo Launched May 2, 1982 Owned by NBCUniversal ( … Wikipedia