trim difference
Смотреть что такое "trim difference" в других словарях:
trim´ness — trim «trihm», verb, trimmed, trim|ming, adjective, trim|mer, trim|mest, noun, adverb. –v.t. 1. to make neat by cutting away parts: »The gardene … Useful english dictionary
trim´ly — trim «trihm», verb, trimmed, trim|ming, adjective, trim|mer, trim|mest, noun, adverb. –v.t. 1. to make neat by cutting away parts: »The gardene … Useful english dictionary
trim — [trim] vt. trimmed, trimming [via ME dial. < OE trymman, to make firm, set in order, array < trum, strong, firm: for IE base see TREE] 1. Obs. to prepare; fit out; dress 2. to put in proper order; make neat or tidy, esp. by clipping,… … English World dictionary
trim — I. verb (trimmed; trimming) Etymology: probably from Middle English *trimmen to prepare, put in order, from Old English trymian, trymman to strengthen, arrange, from trum strong, firm; probably akin to Old English trēo tree, wood more at tree… … New Collegiate Dictionary
trim — [c]/trɪm / (say trim) verb (trimmed, trimming) –verb (t) 1. to reduce to a neat or orderly state by clipping, paring, pruning, etc.: to trim a hedge. 2. to modify (opinions, etc.) according to expediency. 3. Carpentry to bring (a piece of timber …
trim — [1] Nonfunctional metal or plastic molding, frames and other decorative additions to vehicle bodies and interiors. Also called hard trim. [2] A vehicle s interior decoration, including the upholstery, roof and door linings. Also called soft trim … Dictionary of automotive terms
trim — The difference in draft at the bow and stern of a vessel or the manner in which a vessel floats in the water based on the distribution of cargo, stores and ballast aboard the vessel. See also draft; watercraft … Military dictionary
ДИФФЕРЕНТ — (Trim difference) угол продольного наклонения судна, вызывающий разность в осадках носа и кормы. Если углубление носа и кормы одинаково, то судно сидит на ровный киль. Если углубление кормы (носа) больше, чем носа (кормы), то судно имеет… … Морской словарь
Sailing — is the art of controlling a sailing vessel. By changing the rigging, rudder and dagger or centre board, a sailor manages the force of the wind on the sails in order to change the direction and speed of a boat. Mastery of the skill requires… … Wikipedia
Honda Civic Si — Manufacturer Honda Production 1984–present Class Sport compact … Wikipedia
Honda Legend — This page is about this vehicle s Japanese model. See Acura Legend and Acura RL for information on the North American model. Sections of this article are translated from Japanese Wikipedia. Honda Legend … Wikipedia