- triglot
- прил. трехъязычный Syn : trilingual трехязычный (о словаре и т. п.)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
triglot — tri·glot … English syllables
triglot — a.,n. (book) in three languages … Dictionary of difficult words
triglot — I. ˈtrīˌglät, usu äd.+V noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary tri + Greek glōtta language more at glot : a book or edition in three languages II … Useful english dictionary
Sacramental union — (Latin, unio sacramentalis ; German, sakramentliche Einigkeit ) is the Lutheran theological doctrine of the Real Presence of the body and blood of Christ in the Christian Eucharist. Type of union The sacramental union is distinguished from the… … Wikipedia
Law and Gospel — The relationship between God s Law and the Gospel is a major topic in Lutheran and Reformed theology. In these traditions, the distinction between the doctrines of Law, which demands obedience to God s will, and Gospel, which promises the… … Wikipedia
Martin Luther (resources) — This is a list of works by and about Martin Luther, the German theologian. Contents 1 Works by Luther 1.1 Earliest editions 1.1.1 Wittenberg edition 1.1.2 Jena edition … Wikipedia
List of books by Martin Luther — This list of books by Martin Luther contains a bibliography of the works of Martin Luther in print, online or other formats, in English translation and original language. Collected works Original languages # Luther, Martin. D. Martin Luthers… … Wikipedia
You shall not steal — is one of the Ten Commandments,[1] of the Torah (the Pentateuch), which are widely understood as moral imperatives by legal scholars, Jewish scholars, Catholic scholars, and Post Reformation scholars.[2] Though usually understood to prohibit the… … Wikipedia
Martin Luther bibliography — This list of books by Martin Luther contains a bibliography of the works of Martin Luther in print, online or other formats, in English translation and original language. Contents 1 Collected works 1.1 Original languages 1.2 English … Wikipedia
Pope — The Pope (from Latin: papa or father from Greek Though the progressive Christianisation of the Roman Empire in the fourth century did not confer upon bishops civil authority within the state, the gradual withdrawal of imperial authority during… … Wikipedia
Christian views on the old covenant — Depicted is the famous Sermon on the Mount of Jesus in which he commented on the Old Covenant. Christians believe that Jesus is the mediator of the New Covenant.[1] Painting by Carl Heinrich Bloch, Danish painter, d. 1890 … Wikipedia