trig out
Смотреть что такое "trig out" в других словарях:
trig out — To dress or decorate • • • Main Entry: ↑trig … Useful english dictionary
trig — trig1 [trig] adj. [ME trigg < ON tryggr, trusty, firm: for IE base see TRUE] Chiefly Brit. 1. trim; neat; spruce 2. in good condition; strong; sound 3. prim; precise vt. trigged, trigging [Brit. Dial.] to make trig: often with out or up … English World dictionary
trig — I. /trɪg/ (say trig) Obsolete –adjective 1. neat, trim, smart, or spruce. 2. in good physical condition; sound; well. –phrase (trigged, trigging) 3. trig up (or out), to make trig, trim, or smart. {Middle English, from Old Norse tryggr safe,… …
trig — trig1 /trig/, n. Informal. trigonometry. [by shortening] trig2 trigness, n. /trig/, adj., v., trigged, trigging. adj. Chiefly Brit. 1. neat, trim, smart, or spruce … Universalium
Trig Wharf — South out of Upper Thames Street at No.29 adjoining Trig Lane (P.O. Directory) In Queenhithe Ward. First mention Rocque, 1746. Called Wood Wharf (O. and M. 1677) … Dictionary of London
Trig Lane — South out of Upper Thames Street, at No.34, to the Thames (P.O. Directory). In Queenhithe Ward. First mention: Trigge Lane (S. 364). Called Trigg Lane (O. and M. 1677). Named after an owner of property there, temp. Ed. III., John… … Dictionary of London
trig — (Roget s Thesaurus II) I adjective 1. Being or in accordance with the current fashion: à la mode, chic, dashing, fashionable, mod, modish, posh, smart, stylish, swank, swanky. Informal: classy, in, sharp, snappy, swish, tony, trendy. Slang: with… … English dictionary for students
trim — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. neat, well ordered, compact, tidy, spruce, smart; slim, lean. v. order, tidy, adjust, dress, arrange; decorate, ornament, adorn; defeat; cheat; balance, equalize; cut, lop, shear, prune, barber;… … English dictionary for students
spruce — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. trim, neat, tidy, shipshape; smart, dapper, chic. See cleanness. II (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. trim, tidy, well groomed; see neat 1 . III (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) a. neat, trim, smart, natty, dapper … English dictionary for students
tidy — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. neat, orderly, trim, prim; informal, sizable, considerable (see greatness). v. arrange, put in order, straighten. See cleanness, arrangement, order. II (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. orderly, trim,… … English dictionary for students
clean — I (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Not soiled] Syn. spotless, washed, stainless, laundered, immaculate, unsoiled, untarnished, speckless, unstained, neat, tidy, clear, blank, white, dirtless, unblemished, unspotted, newly cleaned, cleaned, fresh, unused,… … English dictionary for students