- tricorn
- треуголка (шляпа) мифическое животное с тремя рогами треугольный трехрогий
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
tricorn — TRICÓRN, tricornuri, s.n. Pălărie bărbătească având borurile îndoite în trei colţuri, care se purta în trecut. – Din fr. tricorne. Trimis de LauraGellner, 01.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 TRICÓRN s. (înv. şi reg.) şleapcă, (înv.) şleapă. (Purta… … Dicționar Român
tricorn — [trī′kôrn] adj. [Fr tricorne < L tricornis < tri ,TRI + cornu,HORN] having three horns or corners, as a hat with the brim folded up against the crown to form three sides n. a tricorn hat; cocked hat: Also sp. tricorne … English World dictionary
tricorn — /ˈtraɪkɔn/ (say truykawn) adjective 1. having three horns, or horn like projections, as a hat with the brim turned up on three sides. –noun 2. a tricorn hat. Also, tricorne. {French tricorne} …
tricorn — adj. & n. (also tricorne) adj. 1 having three horns. 2 (of a hat) having a brim turned up on three sides. n. 1 an imaginary animal with three horns. 2 a tricorn hat. Etymology: F tricorne or L tricornis (as TRI , cornu horn) … Useful english dictionary
Tricorn Centre — The Tricorn Centre was a famed Brutalist shopping, apartment, nightclub and car park complex in Portsmouth, Hampshire, England. It was designed by Owen Luder and Rodney Gordon [Fact mentioned in [http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2008/sep/10/… … Wikipedia
Tricorn (mathematics) — The tricorn, as seen in the fractal zooming program XaoS … Wikipedia
tricorn — adjective Etymology: Latin tricornis Date: 1823 having three horns or corners … New Collegiate Dictionary
Tricorn — Die Mandelbrot Menge, im allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch oft auch Apfelmännchen genannt, ist eine fraktal erscheinende Menge, die in der Chaostheorie, und genauer in der komplexen Dynamik, eine bedeutende Rolle spielt. Sie wurde 1980 von Benoît… … Deutsch Wikipedia
tricorn — /truy kawrn/, adj. 1. having three horns or hornlike projections; three cornered. n. 2. Also, tricorne. a hat with the brim turned up on three sides. [1750 60; < L tricornis having three horns, equiv. to tri TRI + corn(u) HORN + is adj. suffix] * … Universalium
tricorn — 1. noun a) A three sided hat with the brim turned up b) A three horned fractal 2. adjective Having three horns or similar projections … Wiktionary
tricorn — 1. One of the lateral ventricles of the brain. 2. SYN: tricornute. [tri + L. cornu, horn] … Medical dictionary