Смотреть что такое "tricolor" в других словарях:
Tricolor TV — Archivo:Tricolor tv logo.jpg Lema ¡País grande mira Tricolor TV! Tipo Sociedad anónima Fundación 2005 … Wikipedia Español
tricolor — TRICOLÓR, Ă, tricolori, e, adj., subst. 1. adj. Care are trei culori, în trei culori; tricromatic. 2. s.n. Drapel cu trei culori; spec. drapelul românesc. 3. s.m. (La pl.) Echipă reprezentativă românească din diverse ramuri de sport. [pl. şi:… … Dicționar Român
Tricolor — may refer to: * Tricolor supporter of Brazilian football club Fluminense F.C. It derives from the three colors of the club maroon, green and white. Other teams from different Brazilian states, such as Gremio F.C. and São Paulo F.C. also call… … Wikipedia
tricolor — [tʀikɔlɔʀ] n. m. ÉTYM. 1718; de tricolore. ❖ 1 Bot. Variété d amarante à trois couleurs : rouge, vert et jaune. (1732). Variété d œillet. 2 Zool. Variété de tangara, de lori. || Tricolor huppé … Encyclopédie Universelle
tricolor — (Del lat. tricŏlor, ōris). adj. De tres colores … Diccionario de la lengua española
tricolor — [trī′kul΄ər] n. [Fr tricolore, orig., three colored < LL tricolor: see TRI & COLOR] a flag having three colors in large areas; esp., the flag of France, with three broad, vertical stripes of blue, white, and red adj. having three colors … English World dictionary
Tricolor — Tri col or, n. [F. tricolore, drapeau tricolore a tricolored flag, fr. tricolore three colored; tri (see {Tri }) + L. color color.] [Written also {tricolour}.] [1913 Webster] 1. The national French banner, of three colors, blue, white, and red,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tricŏlor — (v. lat.), 1) dreifarbig; 2) (Tricolore), eine dreifarbige Cocarde, Fahne etc., bes. die französische weiß, roth u. blaue … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Tricolor — Tricŏlor (lat.), dreifarbig … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Tricolor — Tricolor, lat, dreifarbig; la Tricolore, die 1792 angenommenen 3 Farben auf frz. Fahnen und Cocarden … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
tricolor — 1798, flag having three colors, especially the emblem of France adopted during the Revolution, from Fr. tricolore, in drapeau tricolore three colored flag. The arrangement of colors on the Fr. flag dates from 1794 … Etymology dictionary