Trickery — Trick er*y, n. The art of dressing up; artifice; stratagem; fraud; imposture. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
trickery — index artifice, collusion, deceit, deception, duplicity, falsification, frame up, fraud, hoax … Law dictionary
trickery — 1800, from TRICK (Cf. trick) + ERY (Cf. ery) … Etymology dictionary
trickery — *deception, double dealing, chicanery, chicane, fraud Analogous words:t *deceit, dissimulation, guile, cunning, duplicity: *imposture, cheat, fraud, sham, fake, humbug, counterfeit … New Dictionary of Synonyms
trickery — [n] deception, joke bait and switch*, cheat, cheating, chicane, chicanery, con, deceit, dishonesty, dodge, double cross*, double dealing*, dupery, fast shuffle*, flimflam*, fourberie, fraud, funny business*, guile, hoax, imposture, pretense,… … New thesaurus
trickery — [trik′ər ē] n. pl. trickeries the act or practice of tricking; use of tricks; deception; fraud SYN. DECEPTION … English World dictionary
trickery — [[t]trɪ̱kəri[/t]] N UNCOUNT Trickery is the use of dishonest methods in order to achieve something. They are notorious for resorting to trickery in order to impress their clients … English dictionary
trickery — noun she suspects me of trickery Syn: deception, deceit, dishonesty, cheating, duplicity, double dealing, legerdemain, sleight of hand, guile, craftiness, deviousness, subterfuge, skulduggery, chicanery, fraud, fraudulence, swindling; formal… … Thesaurus of popular words
trickery — trick ► NOUN 1) a cunning or skilful act or scheme intended to deceive or outwit someone. 2) a skilful act performed for entertainment. 3) an illusion: a trick of the light. 4) (before another noun ) intended to mystify or trick: a trick question … English terms dictionary
trickery — noun Date: 1796 the practice of crafty underhanded ingenuity to deceive or cheat Synonyms: see deception … New Collegiate Dictionary
trickery — /trik euh ree/, n., pl. trickeries. 1. the use or practice of tricks or stratagems to deceive; artifice; deception. 2. a trick used to deceive. [1790 1800; TRICK + ERY] Syn. 1. See deceit. * * * … Universalium