Смотреть что такое "tribophysics" в других словарях:
tribophysics — tribo·physics … English syllables
tribophysics — |trībō, |tribō+ noun plural but usually singular in construction Etymology: tribo + physics : the physics of friction … Useful english dictionary
Boom Town (Doctor Who) — Doctorwhobox number=169 serial name= Boom Town caption= The Doctor dines with an old enemy. show=DW type=episode doctor=Christopher Eccleston (Ninth Doctor) companion=Billie Piper (Rose Tyler) companion2=John Barrowman (Jack Harkness) guests= *… … Wikipedia
TABOR, DAVID — (1913–2005), English physicist. Tabor was born in London and educated at the Quintin Hogg School. He graduated in physics from the Royal College of Science, London University and Caius College, Cambridge University. He joined the staff of the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism