Смотреть что такое "triangulator" в других словарях:
triangulator — noun One who, or that which, triangulates … Wiktionary
triangulator — n. one who measures by triangles … English contemporary dictionary
triangulator — tri·an·gu·la·tor … English syllables
triangulator — ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌlād.ə(r) noun ( s) : one that triangulates … Useful english dictionary
triangulate — triangulator, n. adj. /truy ang gyeuh lit, layt /; v. /truy ang gyeuh layt /, adj., v., triangulated, triangulating. adj. 1. composed of or marked with triangles. v.t. 2. to make triangular. 3. to divide into triangles. 4. to survey (an area) by… … Universalium
Ruppert's algorithm — Input planar straight line graph Output conforming Delaunay triangulation … Wikipedia
Delaunay triangulation — A Delaunay triangulation in the plane with circumcircles shown In mathematics and computational geometry, a Delaunay triangulation for a set P of points in the plane is a triangulation DT(P) such that no point in P is inside the circumcircle of… … Wikipedia
Triangulation (politics) — A conceptual diagram illustrating political triangulation. Triangulation is the name given to the act of a political candidate presenting his or her ideology as being above and between the left and right sides (or wings ) of a traditional (e.g.… … Wikipedia
Dystopia (video game) — Infobox VG title = Dystopia developer = [http://www.dystopia Dystopia Team Dystopia] distributor = Steam license = Freeware engine = Source engine version = 1.1 / March 17 2007 released = U1 / September 11 2005… … Wikipedia
J. H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software — The J. H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software is awarded every four years to honour outstanding contributions to the field of numerical software. Overview In honour of the outstanding contributions of Dr. James Hardy Wilkinson to the field of… … Wikipedia
Dystopia (Computerspiel) — Dystopia (dys) Spiel / Engine: Half Life 2 / Source Engine Typ: Total Conversion Genre … Deutsch Wikipedia