triangular array
Смотреть что такое "triangular array" в других словарях:
Triangular array — Not to be confused with Triangular matrix. The triangular array whose right hand diagonal sequence consists of Bell numbers In mathematics and computing, a triangular array of numbers, polynomials, or the like, is a doubly indexed sequence in… … Wikipedia
Array data type — Not to be confused with Array data structure. In computer science, an array type is a data type that is meant to describe a collection of elements (values or variables), each selected by one or more indices that can be computed at run time by the … Wikipedia
Romberg's method — In numerical analysis, Romberg s method Harv|Romberg|1955 generates a triangular array consisting of numerical estimates of the definite integral: int a^b f(x) , dx by using Richardson extrapolation Harv|Richardson|1910 repeatedly on the… … Wikipedia
combinatorics — /keuhm buy neuh tawr iks, tor , kom beuh /, n. (used with singular v.) See combinatorial analysis. * * * Branch of mathematics concerned with the selection, arrangement, and combination of objects chosen from a finite set. The number of possible… … Universalium
Infinite divisibility (probability) — In probability theory, to say that a probability distribution F on the real line is infinitely divisible means that if X is any random variable whose distribution is F , then for every positive integer n there exist n independent identically… … Wikipedia
Binomial coefficient — The binomial coefficients can be arranged to form Pascal s triangle. In mathematics, binomial coefficients are a family of positive integers that occur as coefficients in the binomial theorem. They are indexed by two nonnegative integers; the… … Wikipedia
quasicrystal — /kway zuy kris tl, kway suy , kwah see , zee /, n. a form of solid matter whose atoms are arranged like those of a crystal but assume patterns that do not exactly repeat themselves. [1985 90] * * * Introduction also called quasi periodic crystal … Universalium
Prototheria — Taxobox name = Prototherians fossil range = Early Cretaceous Recent image width = 200px image caption = Short beaked Echidna regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia subclassis = Prototheria subclassis authority = Gill, 1872… … Wikipedia
Pascal's triangle — The first six rows of Pascal s triangle In mathematics, Pascal s triangle is a triangular array of the binomial coefficients in a triangle. It is named after the French mathematician, Blaise Pascal. It is known as Pascal s triangle in much of the … Wikipedia
Decacarbonyldihydridotriosmium — IUPAC name Decacarbonyldihydridotriosmium, decacarbonyl 1κ3C,2κ3C,3κ … Wikipedia
Floyd's triangle — is a right angled triangular array of natural numbers. It is named after Robert Floyd. It is defined by filling the rows of the triangle with consecutive numbers, starting with a 1 in the top left corner:123456789101112131415The numbers along the … Wikipedia