trial estimate
Смотреть что такое "trial estimate" в других словарях:
Trial trenching — is a rapid and inexpensive method of archaeological evaluation used to estimate the archaeological potential of a site.Trenches are located at intervals across a site leaving the rest untouched. A mechanical excavator is used to dig down to… … Wikipedia
Randomized controlled trial — Flowchart of four phases (enrollment, intervention allocation, follow up, and data analysis) of a parallel randomized trial of two groups, modified from the CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) 2010 Statement[1] … Wikipedia
Multicenter trial — A multicenter research trial is a clinical trial conducted at more than one medical center or clinic. Most large clinical trials, particularly Phase III trials, are conducted at several clinical research centers. The benefits of multicenter… … Wikipedia
Witch trials in the Early Modern period — Punishments for witchcraft in 16th century Germany. Woodcut from Tengler s Laienspiegel, Mainz, 1508. The Witch trials in the Early Modern period were a period of witch hunts between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries,[1] when across Early… … Wikipedia
The Holocaust — Holocaust and Shoah redirect here. For other uses, see Holocaust (disambiguation) and Shoah (disambiguation). Selection on … Wikipedia
Nanking Massacre denial — Nanking Massacrev · d · e Battl … Wikipedia
Chronology of Jesus — See also: Gospel harmony, Historical Jesus, and Historicity of Jesus Medieval Russian icon depicting the life of Jesus. The Chronology of Jesus aims to establish a historical order for some of the events of the life of Jesus in the four… … Wikipedia
statistics — /steuh tis tiks/, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) the science that deals with the collection, classification, analysis, and interpretation of numerical facts or data, and that, by use of mathematical theories of probability, imposes order and… … Universalium
Nanking Massacre — Rape of Nanking redirects here. For Iris Chang s book, see The Rape of Nanking (book). Nankin Jiken redirects here. For the 1927 Nankin Jiken, see Nanjing Incident. Nanking Massacre Massacre victims on the shore of Yangtze River with a Japanese… … Wikipedia
Jesus — This article is about Jesus of Nazareth. For other uses, see Jesus (disambiguation). Jesus … Wikipedia
Genocides in history — Genocide is the mass killing of a group of people, as defined by Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG) as any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a… … Wikipedia