trend of events

trend of events
ход событий

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "trend of events" в других словарях:

  • trend — /trend/, n. 1. the general course or prevailing tendency; drift: trends in the teaching of foreign languages; the trend of events. 2. style; vogue: the new trend in women s apparel. 3. the general direction followed by a road, river, coastline,… …   Universalium

  • trend — [[t]trɛnd[/t]] n. 1) the general course or prevailing tendency; drift: the trend of events[/ex] 2) style; vogue: the new trend in women s apparel[/ex] 3) the general direction followed by a road, river, coastline, or the like 4) to have a general …   From formal English to slang

  • trend — /trɛnd / (say trend) noun 1. the general course, drift, or tendency: the trend of events. 2. the general direction which a road, river, coastline, or the like, tends to take. 3. style; fashion. –verb (i) 4. to tend to take a particular direction; …  

  • trend — [trend] vi. [ME trenden, to roll < OE trendan, to turn, roll, akin to trinde, round lump < IE base * der , to split off (> TEAR1): prob. basic sense “split off piece of a tree trunk, as a disk or wheel”] 1. to extend, turn, incline, bend …   English World dictionary

  • trend — (v.) 1590s, to run or bend in a certain direction (of rivers, coasts, etc.), from M.E. trenden to roll about, turn, revolve, from O.E. trendan, from P.Gmc. *trandijanan (Cf. O.E. trinde round lump, ball, O.Fris. trind, M.L.G. trint round, M.L.G.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Trend analysis — The term trend analysis refers to the concept of collecting information and attempting to spot a pattern, or trend , in the information. In some fields of study, the term trend analysis has more formally defined meanings. [ Trend analysis… …   Wikipedia

  • Events from the Modern Age of Comic Books — One of the key aspects of the Modern Age of Comic Books was that it was the beginning of big events. In 1984, Marvel Comics debuted the first large crossover Secret Wars, a storyline featuring the company s most prolific superheroes, which… …   Wikipedia

  • trend — n. & v. n. a general direction and tendency (esp. of events, fashion, or opinion etc.). v.intr. 1 bend or turn away in a specified direction. 2 be chiefly directed; have a general and continued tendency. Phrases and idioms: trend setter a person… …   Useful english dictionary

  • David Perry (Trend Micro) — David Perry is the Global Director of Education for Trend Micro, a computer antivirus software company. He represents Trend Micro at industry, government, customer and reseller events worldwide. He is a leading authority on computer virus… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Gladiators events — Gladiators revival events = Duel* First appearance: Series 1, 2008 ndash; Heat 1 * Time limit: 30 seconds * Contenders: 1 / Gladiators: 1 * Points: 10 points for knocking Gladiator off, 5 points for remaining on until the end of the time… …   Wikipedia

  • List of WWE pay-per-view events — This is a chronological list of pay per views promoted by World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). Each month, WWE holds one or two annual pay per view events. One event is usually three hours long and features six to twelve matches. Pay per view… …   Wikipedia

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