- trench-hoe
- канавокопатель;
траншейный экскаватор
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Канавокопатель — каналокопатель (a. ditch digger, trench hoe, ditcher; н. Grabenbagger, Grabenpflug, Grabenau shubmaschine; ф. excavateur de tranchee, pelle fouilleuse; и. excavadora de zanjas, zanjadora), машина для прокладки осушительных канав и оросит … Геологическая энциклопедия
reu-2, reu̯ǝ- : rū̆ - — reu 2, reu̯ǝ : rū̆ English meaning: to tear out, dig out, open, acquire, etc.. Deutsche Übersetzung: “aufreißen, graben, aufwũhlen; ausreißen; raffen” Grammatical information: participle perf. pass. rū̆ tó Note: to part, as… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
(s)kē̆ p-2, (s)kō̆ p- and (s)kā̆ p-; (s)kē̆ b(h)-, skob(h)- and skā̆ b(h)- — (s)kē̆ p 2, (s)kō̆ p and (s)kā̆ p ; (s)kē̆ b(h) , skob(h) and skā̆ b(h) English meaning: to work with a sharp instrument Deutsche Übersetzung: “with scharfem Werkzeug schneiden, spalten” Material: A. Forms in b: (there are listed… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
kel-3, kelǝ-, klā- extended klād- — kel 3, kelǝ , klā extended klād English meaning: to hit, cut down Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘schlagen, hauen” Note: separation from kel “prick” and from skel “cut, clip” is barely durchfũhrbar; beachte esp. Slav. *kólti “prick” =… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
plow — Synonyms and related words: all crop harvester, backset, baler, bank, bean harvester, beet harvester, binder, break, breaker, canal, canalize, carve, cast plow, chamfer, channel, chisel, combine, corrugate, cotton picker, crab, crack, crimp,… … Moby Thesaurus
Utility knife — Boxcutter and box cutter redirect here. For the electronic music artist, see Boxcutter (musician). For season four premiere of Breaking Bad, see Box Cutter (Breaking Bad). A utility knife is a knife used for general or utility purposes.[1] The… … Wikipedia
Machete — For other uses, see Machete (disambiguation). Older machete from Latin America The machete ( … Wikipedia
Mohorovičić discontinuity — Earth cross section showing location of the Mohorovičić discontinuity … Wikipedia
Charlotte Fire Department — Established August 1, 1887 Staffing Career Strength 256 (Daily) … Wikipedia
sap — sap1 /sap/, n., v., sapped, sapping. n. 1. the juice or vital circulating fluid of a plant, esp. of a woody plant. 2. any vital body fluid. 3. energy; vitality. 4. sapwood. 5. Slang. a fool; dupe. 6. Metall. soft metal at the core of a bar of… … Universalium
sap — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sæp; akin to Old High German saf sap Date: before 12th century 1. a. the fluid part of a plant; specifically a watery solution that circulates through a plant s vascular system b. (1) a body… … New Collegiate Dictionary