
(военное) траншейный - * machine траншеекопатель

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "trench-digging" в других словарях:

  • Trench warfare — is a form of warfare where both combatants have fortified positions and fighting lines are static. Trench warfare arose when a revolution in firepower was not matched by similar advances in mobility. The result was a slow and grueling form of… …   Wikipedia

  • Trench rescue — is a highly specialized form of rescue, a subset of confined space rescue. Trench rescue involves shoring up the sides of a trench, and digging a trapped worker out of a collapsed ditch. The area around a collapse should not be approached by any… …   Wikipedia

  • Trench — Trench, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Trenched}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Trenching}.] [OF. trenchier to cut, F. trancher; akin to Pr. trencar, trenchar, Sp. trinchar, It. trinciare; of uncertain origin.] 1. To cut; to form or shape by cutting; to make by… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • trench — n. & v. n. 1 a long narrow usu. deep depression or ditch. 2 Mil. a this dug by troops to stand in and be sheltered from enemy fire. b (in pl.) a defensive system of these. 3 a long narrow deep depression in the ocean bed. v. 1 tr. dig a trench or …   Useful english dictionary

  • trench silo — noun : a trench often dug into a bank or slope, sometimes lined with concrete, and used mostly in regions of low rainfall for making and storing silage * * * trench silo, a silo made by digging a shallow, narrow ditch in the ground, filling it… …   Useful english dictionary

  • trench digger — A man who digs trenches. A machine used in digging trenches, being equipped with motor for power. Wood v Food Fair Stores, Inc. 49 NJ Super 352, 139 A2d 805 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Double digging — is a gardening technique used to increase soil drainage and aeration. It involves the loosening of two layers of soil, and the addition of organic matter. Double digging is typically done when cultivating soil in a new garden, or when deep top… …   Wikipedia

  • Battle of the Trench — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Battle of the Trench partof=the Muslim Quraysh Wars caption= date= March and April 627 CE place= North of Medina result=Failure of siege combatant1=Inhabitants of Medina (Muslims and others), including:… …   Wikipedia

  • double digging — noun The practice in gardening of digging trenches two spade lengths deep and replacing the lower level of soil in one trench with the upper level of another • • • Main Entry: ↑double …   Useful english dictionary

  • in|trench|ing tool — «ihn TREHN chihng», a tool, such as a shovel or pick, carried by a soldier in the field for the purpose of digging foxholes, breastworks, trenches, or other earthworks …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cultivator No. 6 — was the code name of a military trench digging machine developed by the British Royal Navy at the beginning of World War II. The machine was originally known as White Rabbit Number Six; this code name was never officially recognised, but it was… …   Wikipedia

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