tree-search method

tree-search method
мат. метод поиска на дереве

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tree-search method" в других словарях:

  • Search algorithm — In computer science, a search algorithm, broadly speaking, is an algorithm that takes a problem as input and returns a solution to the problem, usually after evaluating a number of possible solutions. Most of the algorithms studied by computer… …   Wikipedia

  • Tree traversal — Graph and tree search algorithms Alpha beta pruning A* B* Beam Bellman–Ford algorithm Best first Bidirectional …   Wikipedia

  • Search data structure — In computer science, a search data structure is any data structure that allows the efficient retrieval of specific items from a set of items, such as a specific record from a database. The simplest, most general, and least efficient search… …   Wikipedia

  • Tree rearrangement — Tree rearrangements are used in heuristic algorithms devoted to searching for an optimal tree structure. They can be applied to any set of data that are naturally arranged into a tree, but have most applications in computational phylogenetics,… …   Wikipedia

  • Method of analytic tableaux — A graphical representation of a partially built propositional tableau In proof theory, the semantic tableau (or truth tree) is a decision procedure for sentential and related logics, and a proof procedure for formulas of first order logic. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Tree model — Austro Asiatic Language Tree Maya Lan …   Wikipedia

  • Binary tree — Not to be confused with B tree. A simple binary tree of size 9 and height 3, with a root node whose value is 2. The above tree is unbalanced and not sorted. In computer science, a binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node has at… …   Wikipedia

  • Binary search tree — In computer science, a binary search tree (BST) is a binary tree data structurewhich has the following properties: *each node (item in the tree) has a value; *a total order (linear order) is defined on these values; *the left subtree of a node… …   Wikipedia

  • Splay tree — A splay tree is a self balancing binary search tree with the additional property that recently accessed elements are quick to access again. It performs basic operations such as insertion, look up and removal in O(log(n)) amortized time. For many… …   Wikipedia

  • Monte Carlo method — Not to be confused with Monte Carlo algorithm. Computational physics …   Wikipedia

  • Nelder–Mead method — Nelder–Mead simplex search over the Rosenbrock banana function (above) and Himmelblau s function (below) See simplex algorithm for Dantzig s algorithm for the problem of linear opti …   Wikipedia

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