tree sort
Смотреть что такое "tree sort" в других словарях:
Tree sort — A tree sort is a sort algorithm that builds a binary search tree from the keys to be sorted, and then traverses the tree so that the keys come out in sorted order. Adding items to a binary search tree is an O(log(n)) process, so, therefore,… … Wikipedia
Binary Tree Sort — (im Deutschen auch Binarytreesort) ist ein einfacher, nicht stabiler Sortieralgorithmus. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Prinzip 2 Komplexität 3 Vor und Nachteile 4 Implementierungen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tree worship — (dendrolatry) refers to the tendency of many societies throughout history to worship or otherwise mythologize trees. Trees have played an important role in many of the world s mythologies and religions, and have been given deep and sacred… … Wikipedia
sort — UNIX‐утилита, выводящая сортированное слияние указанных файлов на стандартный вывод с использованием установленной в среде локали. Использование sort [ m][ o output][ bdfinru][ t char][ k keydef]… [file…] sort c [ bdfinru][ t char][ k… … Википедия
Tree of life — For other uses, see Tree of life (disambiguation). An 1847 depiction of the Norse Yggdrasil as described in the Icelandic Prose Edda by Oluf Olufsen Bagge The concept of a tree of life, a many branched tree illustrating the idea that all life on… … Wikipedia
Sort-merge join — The Sort Merge Join (also known as Merge Join) is an example of a join algorithm and is used in the implementation of a relational database management system. The basic problem of a join algorithm is to find, for each distinct value of the join… … Wikipedia
Tree Hill — Les Frères Scott Pour les articles homonymes, voir Scott. Les Frères Scott Titre original One Tree Hill Genre Série dramatique, pour adolescents Créateur(s) Mark Schwahn Production Brian Robbins Greg … Wikipédia en Français
Sort de protection des livres — Un sort de protection des livres est un texte inscrit dans un livre afin d en décourager le vol. Sommaire 1 Définition 2 Histoire 2.1 Antiquité 2.2 Moyen Âge … Wikipédia en Français
Tree of Life (Yodelice) — Maxim Nucci Maxim Nucci Alias Yodelice Naissance 23 février 1979 (30 ans) Créteil, France Profession … Wikipédia en Français
Binary search tree — In computer science, a binary search tree (BST) is a binary tree data structurewhich has the following properties: *each node (item in the tree) has a value; *a total order (linear order) is defined on these values; *the left subtree of a node… … Wikipedia
Merge sort — Example of merge sort sorting a list of random dots. Class Sorting algorithm Data structure Array Worst case performance O(n log n) … Wikipedia