tree machine

tree machine
ЭВМ с древовидной структурой связей (между элементами)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tree machine" в других словарях:

  • Christmas tree machine — A Christmas tree machine is a concept in science fiction referring to a modestly sized device which, given a few raw materials, can produce almost anything imaginable, and in great volume. (Thus, for the owner of such a machine, it is always… …   Wikipedia

  • Tree House Hostel — (Картахена,Колумбия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Getsemani, Calle San Antonio N25 99 …   Каталог отелей

  • Machine that always halts — In computability theory, a machine that always halts also called a decider (Sipser, 1996) or a total Turing machine (Kozen, 1997) is a Turing machine that halts for every input. Because it always halts, the machine is able to decide whether a… …   Wikipedia

  • Tree decomposition — A graph with eight vertices, and a tree decomposition of it onto a tree with six nodes. Each graph edge connects two vertices that are listed together at some tree node, and each graph vertex is listed at the nodes of a contiguous subtree of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Tree automaton — A tree automaton is a type of state machine. Tree automata deal with tree structures, rather than the strings of more conventional state machines. The following article deals with branching tree automata, which correspond to regular languages of… …   Wikipedia

  • tree creeper — Creeper Creep er (kr[=e]p [ e]r), n. 1. One who, or that which, creeps; any creeping thing. [1913 Webster] Standing waters are most unwholesome, . . . full of mites, creepers; slimy, muddy, unclean. Burton. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) A plant that… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Machine learning — Apprentissage automatique L apprentissage automatique (machine learning en anglais) est un des champs d étude de l intelligence artificielle. L apprentissage automatique fait référence au développement, à l analyse et à l implémentation de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Tree tyer — A tree tyer is a machine which ties cut evergreen trees into a bundle to facilitate shipping to business that sell Christmas trees. Previously, trees had to be tied by hand, a slow and tedious process. Manufacturers of tree tyers claim speeds of… …   Wikipedia

  • H tree — Not to be confused with Htree, a Linux filesystem indexing structure. The first ten levels of an H tree The H tree (so called because its first two steps resemble the letter H ) is a family of fractal sets whose Hausdorff dimension is equal to 2 …   Wikipedia

  • picking machine — machine which automatically picks fruit from the tree …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Non-deterministic Turing machine — Turing machine(s) Machina Universal Turing machine Alternating Turing machine Quantum Turing machine Read only Turing machine Read only right moving Turing Machines Probabilistic Turing machine Multi track Turing machine Turing machine… …   Wikipedia

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