tree expression

tree expression
мат. древовидное выражение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tree expression" в других словарях:

  • Tree traversal — Graph and tree search algorithms Alpha beta pruning A* B* Beam Bellman–Ford algorithm Best first Bidirectional …   Wikipedia

  • Tree — /tree/, n. Sir Herbert Beerbohm /bear bohm/, (Herbert Beerbohm), 1853 1917, English actor and theater manager; brother of Max Beerbohm. * * * I Woody perennial plant. Most trees have a single self supporting trunk containing woody tissues, and in …   Universalium

  • Tree (data structure) — A simple unordered tree; in this diagram, the node labeled 7 has two children, labeled 2 and 6, and one parent, labeled 2. The root node, at the top, has no parent. In computer science, a tree is a widely used data structure that emulates a… …   Wikipedia

  • tree — treelike, adj. /tree/, n., v., treed, treeing. n. 1. a plant having a permanently woody main stem or trunk, ordinarily growing to a considerable height, and usually developing branches at some distance from the ground. 2. any of various shrubs,… …   Universalium

  • Tree of life — For other uses, see Tree of life (disambiguation). An 1847 depiction of the Norse Yggdrasil as described in the Icelandic Prose Edda by Oluf Olufsen Bagge The concept of a tree of life, a many branched tree illustrating the idea that all life on… …   Wikipedia

  • Tree of Jesse — The oldest complete Jesse Tree window is in Chartres Cathedral, 1145. The Tree of Jesse is a depiction in art of the Ancestors of Christ, shown in a tree which rises from Jesse of Bethlehem, the father of King David; the original use of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Tree of life (Kabbalah) — Part of a series on Kabbalah …   Wikipedia

  • Tree of Knowledge System — The Tree of Knowledge (ToK) System is a novel, theoretical approach to the unification of psychology developed by professor Gregg Henriques of James Madison University.The outline of the system was published in 2003 in Review of General… …   Wikipedia

  • Binary tree — Not to be confused with B tree. A simple binary tree of size 9 and height 3, with a root node whose value is 2. The above tree is unbalanced and not sorted. In computer science, a binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node has at… …   Wikipedia

  • Parsing expression grammar — A parsing expression grammar, or PEG, is a type of analytic formal grammar that describes a formal language in terms of a set of rules for recognizing strings in the language. A parsing expression grammar essentially represents a recursive… …   Wikipedia

  • Suffix tree — In computer science, a suffix tree (also called suffix trie, PAT tree or, in an earlier form, position tree) is a data structure that presents the suffixes of a given string in a way that allows for a particularly fast implementation of many… …   Wikipedia

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