treble clef

treble clef
скрипичный ключ

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "treble clef" в других словарях:

  • treble clef — ► NOUN Music ▪ a clef placing G above middle C on the second lowest line of the stave …   English terms dictionary

  • treble clef — n. Music 1. a sign on a staff, indicating the position of G above middle C on the second line: see CLEF 2. the range of notes on a staff so marked …   English World dictionary

  • treble clef — n technical a sign at the beginning of a line of written music which shows that the note written on the bottom line of the ↑stave is an E above ↑middle C …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • treble clef — noun count TECHNICAL the symbol , used at the beginning of a line of music to show that the notes following it are to be played at the upper end of the instrument s range …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • treble clef — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms treble clef : singular treble clef plural treble clefs music the symbol used at the beginning of a line of music to show that the notes following it are to be played at the upper end of the instrument s range …   English dictionary

  • treble clef — noun a clef that puts the G above middle C on the second line of a staff • Syn: ↑treble staff, ↑G clef • Hypernyms: ↑clef …   Useful english dictionary

  • treble clef — noun Etymology: 1treble; from its use for the notation of treble parts Date: 1825 1. a clef that places G above middle C on the second line of the staff 2. treble staff …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • treble clef — Music. a sign that locates the G above middle C, placed on the second line of the staff, counting up; G clef. Also called violin clef. [1795 1805] * * * …   Universalium

  • treble clef — tre′ble clef n. mad a musical sign that locates the G above middle C, placed on the second line of the staff, counting up; G clef …   From formal English to slang

  • treble clef — англ. [трэбл клеф] скрипичный ключ см. также treble …   Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов

  • treble clef — noun Music a clef placing G above middle C on the second lowest line of the stave …   English new terms dictionary

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