treaty provisions

treaty provisions
условия договора

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "treaty provisions" в других словарях:

  • Treaty of 1818 — Convention respecting fisheries, boundary, and the restoration of slaves United States territorial border changes Signed 1818 Location London, United Kingdom Signatories …   Wikipedia

  • Treaty — The first two pages of the Treaty of Brest Litovsk, in (left to right) German, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Ottoman Turkish and Russian A treaty is an express agreement under international law entered into by actors in international law, namely… …   Wikipedia

  • Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe — The original Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) was negotiated and concluded during the last years of the Cold War and established comprehensive limits on key categories of conventional military equipment in Europe (from the… …   Wikipedia

  • Treaty on Certain Maritime Arrangements in the Timor Sea — Officially known as the Treaty between Australia and the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste on Certain Maritime Arrangements in the Timor Sea (CMATS)[1], the treaty provides for the equal distribution of revenue derived from the disputed Greater… …   Wikipedia

  • Treaty of Georgievsk — The Treaty of Georgievsk ( ru. Георгиевский трактат, Georgievskiy traktat ; ka. გეორგიევსკის ტრაქტატი, georgievskis trak tati ) was a bilateral treaty concluded between the Russian Empire and the east Georgian kingdom of Kartli Kakheti on July 24 …   Wikipedia

  • Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea — The Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea (Japanese: 日韓基本条約 (Nikkan Kihon Jōyaku?); Korean: 한일기본조약, 韓日基本條約, Hanil Gibon Joyak) was signed on June 22, 1965 to establish basic relationship between Japan and the Republic… …   Wikipedia

  • Treaty of Tartu (Russian–Estonian) — Tartu Peace Treaty (Estonian: Tartu rahu , literally Tartu peace ) or Treaty of Tartu was a peace treaty between Estonia and Russian SFSR signed in February 2, 1920 ending the Estonian War of Independence. The terms of the treaty stated that… …   Wikipedia

  • Treaty of Viterbo — The Treaty of Viterbo (or the Treaties of Viterbo) was a pair of agreements made by Charles I of Sicily with Baldwin II of Constantinople and William II Villehardouin, Prince of Achaea, on 27 May, 1267, which transferred much of the rights to the …   Wikipedia

  • Treaty of Lisbon — noun a treaty furthering the political and economic union of the member of the European Union, drawn up in 2007 by the member countries at Lisbon, Portugal, and ratified in 1993; amended the Maastricht Treaty; provisions include the creation of… …  

  • Treaty 2 — was an agreement established August 21, 1871, between the Queen Victoria and various First Nations in southwest Manitoba and a small part of southeast Saskatchewan; treaty signatories from this region included the Ojibway tribes. This would be… …   Wikipedia

  • Treaty 1 — was an agreement established August 3, 1871 between Queen Victoria and various First Nations in South Eastern Manitoba including the Chippewa and Swampy Cree tribes. This would be the first treaty signed since the 1867 formation of the modern… …   Wikipedia

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