
pl казначейские билеты (американизм) налоговые сертификаты

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "treasury-notes" в других словарях:

  • Treasury notes — Debt obligations of the U.S. Treasury that have maturities of more than 2 years but less than 10 years. The New York Times Financial Glossary Medium term obligations issued by the U.S. Treasury. Notes are issued for initial maturities from over… …   Financial and business terms

  • Treasury security — Treasury securities are government bonds issued by the United States Department of the Treasury through the Bureau of the Public Debt. They are the debt financing instruments of the U.S. Federal government, and they are often referred to simply… …   Wikipedia

  • United States treasury notes — See treasury note …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Treasury bill — an obligation of the U.S. government represented by promissory notes in denominations ranging from $1000 to $1,000,000, with a maturity of about 90 days but bearing no interest, and sold periodically at a discount on the market. Also, treasury… …   Universalium

  • Treasury Note — Les T Notes ou Treasury Notes (billets de trésorerie) sont des titres de créance obligataires à moyen terme émis par le Département du Trésor des États Unis. Leur rémunération est assurée, à l instar des Treasury Bonds (T Bonds) par un coupon… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Treasury Note — A marketable U.S. government debt security with a fixed interest rate and a maturity between one and 10 years. Treasury notes can be bought either directly from the U.S. government or through a bank. When buying Treasury notes from the government …   Investment dictionary

  • Treasury Budget — Data released by the U.S. Treasury on a monthly basis that accounts for the surpluses or deficits of the federal government. Treasury budget data tracks the changes in monthly balances as an indicator of budget trends and the direction of fiscal… …   Investment dictionary

  • Treasury note — Government debt security with a coupon and original maturity of one to 10 years. Chicago Board of Trade glossary * * *    Government debt security issued with maturities of two to ten years and traded in the capital markets. Treasury notes bear a …   Financial and business terms

  • Treasury Bond — Les T Bonds ou Treasury Bond (bons du trésor) sont des titres obligataires à intérêt fixe sécurisé émis par le gouvernement américain. Ce sont les bons du trésor américains dont la maturité est la plus longue, avec une échéance qui varie entre… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Treasury Yield — The return on investment, expressed as a percentage, on the debt obligations of the U.S. government. Treasuries are considered to be a low risk investment because they are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, which includes …   Investment dictionary

  • Treasury note rediscount rate — noun the yield at which the Reserve Bank is prepared to buy back its Treasury notes before they are due to mature …  

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