tread water
Смотреть что такое "tread water" в других словарях:
tread water — ► tread water 1) maintain an upright position in deep water by moving the feet with a walking movement and the hands with a downward circular motion. 2) fail to make progress. Main Entry: ↑tread … English terms dictionary
tread water — If someone is treading water, they are making no progress … The small dictionary of idiomes
tread water — 1》 maintain an upright position in deep water by moving the feet with a walking movement and the hands with a downward circular motion. 2》 fail to make progress. → tread … English new terms dictionary
tread water — phrasal : to keep the body nearly upright in the water and the head above water by a treading motion of the feet usually aided by the hands trying to regain his breath while he treaded water Nathaniel Benchley rose under the stern and trod water… … Useful english dictionary
tread water — If someone is treading water, they are making no progress. (Dorking School Dictionary) *** If you are treading water, your situation remains stationary in spite of your efforts, with no sign of any progress. I ve been treading… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
tread water — 1) to not make progress, especially because you have to wait for something else to happen first For now we re just treading water, but we hope negotiations will begin soon. 2) to stay upright in deep water by moving your legs and arms so that… … English dictionary
tread water — {v. phr.} To keep the head above water with the body in an upright position by moving the feet as if walking. * /He kept afloat by treading water./ … Dictionary of American idioms
tread water — {v. phr.} To keep the head above water with the body in an upright position by moving the feet as if walking. * /He kept afloat by treading water./ … Dictionary of American idioms
tread water — phrasal to keep the body nearly upright in the water and the head above water by a treading motion of the feet usually aided by the hands … New Collegiate Dictionary
tread\ water — v. phr. To keep the head above water with the body in an upright position by moving the feet as if walking. He kept afloat by treading water … Словарь американских идиом
tread water — someone who is treading water is not doing anything to make progress. I m just treading water until I get an opportunity to try for a job with more responsibility. (often in continuous tenses) … New idioms dictionary