trawl warp
Смотреть что такое "trawl warp" в других словарях:
trawl gallows — a structure on a trawler used to raise the otter boards when working the trawl. Usually an H bar with bracket attachments to the deck and a heavy pulley at the top where the trawl warp is pulled through … Dictionary of ichthyology
warp — v. & n. v. 1 tr. & intr. a make or become bent or twisted out of shape, esp. by the action of heat, damp, etc. b make or become perverted, bitter, or strange (a warped sense of humour). 2 a tr. haul (a ship) by a rope attached to a fixed point. b … Useful english dictionary
Trawlwarp — Trawl warp , n. A rope passing through a block, used in managing or dragging a trawlnet. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fishing trawler — For other types of trawlers, see Trawler (disambiguation). The Irish RSW tank trawler Brendelen[1] in Skagen harbour A fishing trawler (also called a dragger) is a commercial fishing vessel designed to operate fishing trawls. Traw … Wikipedia
Trawling — is a method of fishing that involves pulling a large fishing net through the water behind one or more boats. The net that is used for trawling is called a trawl.The boats that are used for trawling are called trawlers. Trawlers vary in size; from … Wikipedia
er — er·i·an·thus; er·ic; er·i·ca; er·i·ca·ce·ae; er·i·cad; er·i·ca·les; er·i·ce·tal; er·i·ce·tic·o·lous; er·i·coid; er·i·co·phyte; erig·er·on; er·i·glos·sa; er·ik·ite; er·i·na·ceous; er·i·na·ceus; er·in·ite; er·i·nose; er·i·o·bot·rya;… … English syllables
Liste seemännischer Fachwörter (N bis Z) — Die erste Hälfte findet sich unter Liste seemännischer Fachwörter (A bis M). Dies ist eine Liste speziell seemännischer Fachausdrücke (neben Soziolekten auch umgangssprachliche Ausdrücke) nebst Erläuterung, die an Bord von see und binnen gängigen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Seelenverkäufer — Die „Liste seemännischer Fachwörter“ ist ihres Umfangs wegen geteilt. Ihre erste Hälfte siehe unter Liste seemännischer Fachwörter (A bis M). Dies ist eine Liste speziell seemännischer Fachausdrücke (neben Soziolekten auch umgangssprachliche… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Траловая доска — Трал с траловыми досками Траловая доска (Otterboard, Trawl door) устройство, предназначенное для раскрытия устья … Википедия
bracket — one, or a pair of, triangular shaped steel frames hinged to the front face of otter boards, to which the warp is attached on a trawl … Dictionary of ichthyology
dummy — 1) the towpost amidships to which the warp is attached by a stopper when towing the trawl 2) end rope (a line connecting the end of the first or last section of a longline backrope or string to the dan line (all q.v.). Also called back of line,… … Dictionary of ichthyology