trawl mouth
Смотреть что такое "trawl mouth" в других словарях:
trawl board — otter board (a large, heavy, flat piece of wood and metal on each side of the mouth of an otter trawl; the boards plane or shear through the water and keep the net mouth open) … Dictionary of ichthyology
trawl door — otter board (a large, heavy, flat piece of wood and metal on each side of the mouth of an otter trawl; the boards plane or shear through the water and keep the net mouth open) … Dictionary of ichthyology
trawl — 1) a bag shaped net towed behind a ship either along the sea floor or in midwater, having a buoyed head rope and a weighted foot rope to keep the net mouth open. It may be towed by one or two ships; 2) in Newfoundland … Dictionary of ichthyology
electro-trawl — a trawl with electrodes in front of the trawl mouth to attract and stun fish … Dictionary of ichthyology
beam trawl — noun : a trawl net with its mouth spread by a beam compare otter trawl * * * a trawl net whose lateral spread during trawling is maintained by a beam across its mouth. Cf. otter trawl. * * * beam trawl noun A trawling net kept open by a beam… … Useful english dictionary
atom trawl — a wingless, midwater trawl with a square mouth towed between two boats. Also called Larsen midwater trawl, Larsen trawl, floating trawl, Larsen two boat trawl, two boat pelagic trawl … Dictionary of ichthyology
Larsen midwater trawl — a wingless, midwater trawl with a square mouth towed between two boats. Also called atom trawl, Larsen trawl, floating trawl, Larsen two boat trawl, two boat pelagic trawl … Dictionary of ichthyology
two boat pelagic trawl — a wingless, midwater trawl with a square mouth towed between two boats. Also called Larsen midwater trawl, Larsen trawl, floating trawl, Larsen two boat trawl, atom trawl … Dictionary of ichthyology
Manta trawl — A Manta Trawl is a net system for sampling the surface of the ocean. It resembles a manta ray, with metal wings and a broad mouth. The net it pulls is made of thin mesh, and the whole trawl is towed behind a scientific research vessel.[1] The… … Wikipedia
midwater trawl — a net towed through the water column by one boat, the net being positioned above the bottom and below the surface. It may have otter doors that function to keep the net mouth open and depressor plates that function to make it fish deeper, or two… … Dictionary of ichthyology
dragger trawl — otter trawl (a towed net that strains demersal fish out of the water. Rectangular otter boards of wood or steel on the tow ropes plane through the water and help keep the mouth open and give the trawl its name; floats on the headrope and weights… … Dictionary of ichthyology