travel advance
Смотреть что такое "travel advance" в других словарях:
Travel and Living Channel — Launched March 2004 Owned by Discovery Communications Picture format 576i (SDTV 16:9 … Wikipedia
advance man — ☆ advance man n. a person hired to travel in advance of a theatrical company, political candidate, etc. to arrange for publicity, schedule appearances, etc … English World dictionary
travel — [trav′əl] vi. traveled or travelled, traveling or travelling [var. of TRAVAIL] 1. to go from one place to another; make a journey or journeys 2. to go from place to place as a traveling salesman 3. to walk or run 4. to move, pass, or be t … English World dictionary
Advance-fee fraud — African sting An advance fee fraud is a confidence trick in which the target is persuaded to advance sums of money in the hope of realizing a significantly larger gain.[1] Among the variations on this type of scam are the Nigerian Letter (also… … Wikipedia
Travel document — A travel document is an identity document issued by a government or international treaty organization to facilitate the movement of individuals or small groups of persons across international boundaries. Travel documents usually assure other… … Wikipedia
Advance Passenger Information System — The Advance Passenger Information System (APIS), also often called Advanced Passenger Information System [ [ advanced passenger information system Google Search] ] , is a… … Wikipedia
Travel class — A travel class is a quality of accommodation on public transport. The accommodation could be a seat or a cabin for example. Higher travel classes are more comfortable and more expensive.AirlinesAirlines traditionally have three travel classes,… … Wikipedia
Advance Wars: Dual Strike — Advance Wars: Dual Strike … Wikipedia
travel — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Go from one place to another Nouns 1. travel; traveling, wayfaring, itinerancy, tourism; journey, voyage, excursion, junket, expedition, safari, tour, [pleasure or business] trip, trek, crossing, cruise … English dictionary for students
travel — travelable, adj. /trav euhl/, v., traveled, traveling or (esp. Brit.) travelled, travelling, n., adj. v.i. 1. to go from one place to another, as by car, train, plane, or ship; take a trip; journey: to travel for pleasure. 2. to move or go from… … Universalium
travel — trav•el [[t]ˈtræv əl[/t]] v. eled, el•ing (esp. brit.) elled, el•ling, 1) to go from one place to another, as by car, train, plane, or ship; take a trip 2) to move or pass from one place or point to another 3) to proceed or advance 4) to pass or… … From formal English to slang