travel accommodation
Смотреть что такое "travel accommodation" в других словарях:
Travel Inn Hotel Melbourne (Melbourne) — Travel Inn Hotel Melbourne country: Australia, city: Melbourne (Carlton) Travel Inn Hotel Melbourne The terrific location makes The Travel Inn a perfect accommodation choice for your next family holiday or business trip. Location Travel Inn Hotel … International hotels
Travel Moment — (Luodong,Тайвань) Категория отеля: Адрес: No.3, Aly. 5, Ln. 180, Sec. 1, Qinhe Rd., W … Каталог отелей
Travel Inn Space Valley — (Сан Жозе дус Кампус,Бразилия) Категория отеля: 4 звездочный отель Адрес: Av. Dr. Nels … Каталог отелей
Travel class — A travel class is a quality of accommodation on public transport. The accommodation could be a seat or a cabin for example. Higher travel classes are more comfortable and more expensive.AirlinesAirlines traditionally have three travel classes,… … Wikipedia
accommodation — noun 1 (BrE) place for sb to live/stay ADJECTIVE ▪ comfortable, decent, good, suitable ▪ inadequate, poor, substandard ▪ excellent … Collocations dictionary
accommodation — ac|com|mo|da|tion W2S2 [əˌkɔməˈdeıʃən US əˌka: ] n 1.) [U] also accommodations AmE a place for someone to stay, live, or work ▪ The price for the holiday includes flights and accommodation. ▪ living accommodations for the crews ▪ travel and hotel … Dictionary of contemporary English
travel agency — noun an agency that arranges personal travel • Hypernyms: ↑agency * * * noun, pl ⋯ cies [count] : a business that helps to make arrangements for people who want to travel * * * ˈtravel agency [travel agency] noun a company that arranges travel… … Useful english dictionary
travel agency — /ˈtrævəl eɪdʒənsi/ (say travuhl ayjuhnsee) noun a business that arranges journeys and accommodation for travellers, as by procuring tickets, reservations, etc. Also, travel bureau. –travel agent, noun …
travel agent — noun A consultant who arranges personal travel and accommodation for travellers … Wiktionary
Backpacking (travel) — Backpacking is a term that has historically been used to denote a form of low cost, independent international travel. Terms such as independent travel and/or budget travel are often used interchangeably with backpacking. The factors that… … Wikipedia
First class travel — First class is the most luxurious class of accommodation on a train, passenger ship, airplane, or other conveyance. [first class. (n.d.). The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Retrieved October 19, 2007, from… … Wikipedia