transportation table

transportation table
мат. матрица условий транспортной задачи

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "transportation table" в других словарях:

  • Transportation in the United States — is facilitated by road, air, rail, and water networks. The vast majority of passenger travel occurs by automobile for shorter distances, and airplane for longer distances. In descending order, most cargoes travel by railroad, truck, pipeline, or… …   Wikipedia

  • Transportation in New York City — Info Owner Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, local governments, states Locale New York City and the surrounding region in New York State, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania …   Wikipedia

  • Transportation in South Korea — is provided by extensive networks of railways, highways, bus routes, ferry services, and air routes that criss cross the country.RailwaysSouth Korea has an excellent railroad network. The first railroad, which linked Seoul and Incheon, was opened …   Wikipedia

  • Table of Contents (Enochs) — Table of Contents Artist Dale Enochs Year 1999 Type Limestone Dimensions 13 m × 15 m × 6.1 m (42 ft × 50 ft × 20 ft) Location IUPUI, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States Table of Contents is a… …   Wikipedia

  • transportation — /trans peuhr tay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of transporting. 2. the state of being transported. 3. the means of transport or conveyance. 4. the business of conveying people, goods, etc. 5. price of travel or transport by public conveyance; fare. 6.… …   Universalium

  • Transportation in Washington, D.C. — A taxicab and a Metrobus cross the intersection of 15th and I Streets NW in downtown Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. has a number of different modes of transportation available for use. Commuters have a major influence on travel patterns, with… …   Wikipedia

  • Transportation of Los Angeles — The intercity transportation system of Los Angeles, California serves as a regional, national and international hub for passenger and freight traffic. The system includes the United States largest port complex, an extensive freight and passenger… …   Wikipedia

  • Transportation in Texas — The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is a governmental agency and its purpose is to provide safe, effective, and efficient movement of people and goods throughout the state.[1] Though the public face of the agency is generally… …   Wikipedia

  • Table (furniture) — A chic table in an Iranian palace A wooden dining table and cha …   Wikipedia

  • Table of Colorado municipalities by county — The following table lists the 271 Colorado municipalities arranged by county and population.TableThe table below presents the following information: #The rank of the county within the state by population as of 2006 07 01, as estimated by the U.S …   Wikipedia

  • Typical capacities of urban mass transportation modes — ▪ Table Typical capacities of urban mass transportation modes persons per vehicle trains per hour passengers per hour vehicle type guideway type seated crowded train length low high average speed low high auto streets 1.2 3 1 450 900 20 540 2,700 …   Universalium

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