transportation of oil
Смотреть что такое "transportation of oil" в других словарях:
Oil industry in Azerbaijan — Azerbaijan produces about 800,000 barrels of oil per day and 1 bcma of gas a production that will grow to historical peak of 1.2 million bo/d by 2008 with an equally large amount of gas. Azerbaijan is one of the birthplaces of the oil industry,… … Wikipedia
Oil-storage trade — The oil storage trade is a trading strategy where oil tank owners and companies that lease storage buy oil for immediate delivery and hold it in their storage tanks, then sell contracts for future delivery at a higher price. When delivery dates… … Wikipedia
Transportation in the United States — is facilitated by road, air, rail, and water networks. The vast majority of passenger travel occurs by automobile for shorter distances, and airplane for longer distances. In descending order, most cargoes travel by railroad, truck, pipeline, or… … Wikipedia
Transportation demand management — or Travel Demand Management (both TDM) is the application of strategies and policies to reduce automobile travel demand, or to redistribute this demand in space or in time. [Citation | last = Nelson | first = Donna C., Editor | year = 2000 |… … Wikipedia
Transportation in New York City — Info Owner Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, local governments, states Locale New York City and the surrounding region in New York State, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania … Wikipedia
Transportation in the People's Republic of China — has experienced major growth and expansion since 1949 and especially since the early 1980s. Airports, roads, and railway construction will provide a massive employment boost in China over the next decade.Rail, which is the primary mode of… … Wikipedia
Oil depletion — per major producing country. This model assumes world oil depletion remains constant at the 2004 level of 80 million barrels per day.[1] However, world oil depletion is currently (as of 2008) at 85 million barrels per day … Wikipedia
Oil shale extraction — is an industrial process in which kerogen mdash;a mixture of organic chemical compounds (including hydrocarbons) found in oil shale mdash;is converted into synthetic crude oil through pyrolysis. In pyrolysis, oil shale is heated in the absence of … Wikipedia
Oil Creek State Park — Pennsylvania State Park Natural Monument (IUCN III) … Wikipedia
Oil India — Limited Type Goverenment of India Enterprise[1] Industry Oil and gas … Wikipedia
Oil Campaign of World War II — Oil Campaign[1] of World War II Part of Strategic bombing campaigns in Europe … Wikipedia