transnaţional — TRANSNAŢIONÁL, Ă, transnaţionali, e, adj. Care depăşeşte graniţele naţionale. [pr.: ţi o ] – Din engl., fr. transnational. Trimis de ionel bufu, 29.06.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 TRANSNAŢIONÁL adj. supranaţional. (Bancă transnaţional.) Trimis de siveco … Dicționar Român
Transnational — may mean:* International * Multinational * Transnationality * Transnational marriage * Transnational organized crime * Transnational crime * Transnational feminism * Transnational progressivism * Transnational political party * transnational… … Wikipedia
transnational — transnational, ale, aux [ trɑ̃snasjɔnal, o ] adj. • 1920, répandu v. 1965 avec infl. de l angl.; de trans et national, d apr. international ♦ Didact. Qui dépasse le cadre national, concerne plusieurs nations. ⇒ multinational. Organisme… … Encyclopédie Universelle
transnational — trans‧na‧tion‧al [ˌtrænzˈnæʆnəl] adjective [only before a noun] a transnational company, organization etc does business in many countries: • Both companies are transnational corporations with huge investments outside the US. * * * transnational… … Financial and business terms
Transnational — bezeichnet in der Politikwissenschaft die Tatsache, dass Beziehungen zwischen Angehörigen von Bevölkerungen verschiedener Staaten bestehen, im Unterschied zu internationalen Beziehungen, die zwischen Staaten selbst (d. h. deren Regierungen)… … Deutsch Wikipedia
transnational — 1921, from TRANS (Cf. trans ) + NATIONAL (Cf. national) … Etymology dictionary
transnational — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ extending or operating across national boundaries. ► NOUN ▪ a multinational company. DERIVATIVES transnationalism noun … English terms dictionary
transnational — [trans nash′ə nəl, tranznash′ə nəl] adj. transcending the limits, interests, etc. of a single nation … English World dictionary
transnational — transnationalism, n. transnationally, adv. /trans nash euh nl, tranz /, adj. 1. going beyond national boundaries or interests: a transnational economy. 2. comprising persons, sponsors, etc., of different nationalities: a transnational company. n … Universalium
transnational — adjective Date: 1921 extending or going beyond national boundaries < transnational corporations > • transnationalism noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
transnational — trans|na|ti|o|nal 〈Adj.〉 nationenübergreifend, mehrere Nationen betreffend ● ein transnational tätiger Konzern [<trans... + national] * * * trans|na|ti|o|nal <Adj.> [aus lat. trans = (hin)über u. ↑ national] (Politik, Wirtsch.):… … Universal-Lexikon