Смотреть что такое "transmittancy" в других словарях:
transmittancy — [transmit′ n sē, tranzmit′ n sē] n. 1. the ratio of the transmittance of a solution to that of an equivalent thickness of the pure solvent 2. TRANSMITTANCE (sense 2) * * * … Universalium
transmittancy — [transmit′ n sē, tranzmit′ n sē] n. 1. the ratio of the transmittance of a solution to that of an equivalent thickness of the pure solvent 2. TRANSMITTANCE (sense 2) … English World dictionary
transmittancy — trans·mit·tan·cy … English syllables
transmittancy — ənsē, si noun ( es) Etymology: transmit + ancy : the capacity for transmission: a. : the ratio of the transmittance of a solution of a material to that of an equal thickness of the solvent b. : t … Useful english dictionary