transmit by wire
Смотреть что такое "transmit by wire" в других словарях:
transmit — trans‧mit [trænzˈmɪt ǁ træns ] verb transmitted PTandPPX transmitting PRESPARTX [intransitive, transitive] to send out electronic signals, messages etc using radio, television, or other similar equipment: • Data can now be transmitted at speeds… … Financial and business terms
Wire wheels — Wire wheels, (wire spoked wheels), invented by James Starley, are still used on many motorcycles and most bicycles. Such wheels have a hub connected to a rim by wire spokes. Although these wires are generally stiffer than a typical braided wire… … Wikipedia
wire|pho|to — «WYR FOH toh», noun, plural tos. Trademark. 1. a method for transmitting photographs by reproducing a facsimile through electric signals. 2. a photograph transmitted by this method. wire|pho|to «WYR FOH toh», transitive verb, toed, to|ing. to… … Useful english dictionary
Wire|pho|to — «WYR FOH toh», noun, plural tos. Trademark. 1. a method for transmitting photographs by reproducing a facsimile through electric signals. 2. a photograph transmitted by this method. wire|pho|to «WYR FOH toh», transitive verb, toed, to|ing. to… … Useful english dictionary
wire|less — «WYR lihs», adjective, noun, verb. –adj. 1. using no wires; transmitting by radio waves instead of by electric wires. 2. Especially British. radio. –n. Especially British. 1. a system of transmission by radio waves without the use of wires. 2. a) … Useful english dictionary
wire-transfer — /wuyeur trans ferr , trans feuhr/, v.t., wire transferred, wire transferring. to transmit (money or credit) by wire transfer. * * * … Universalium
wire-transfer — /wuyeur trans ferr , trans feuhr/, v.t., wire transferred, wire transferring. to transmit (money or credit) by wire transfer … Useful english dictionary
transmit — verb (transmitted; transmitting) Etymology: Middle English transmitten, from Latin transmittere, from trans + mittere to send Date: 15th century transitive verb 1. a. to send or convey from one person or place to another ; forward b … New Collegiate Dictionary
transmit — transmittable, transmittible, adj. /trans mit , tranz /, v., transmitted, transmitting. v.t. 1. to send or forward, as to a recipient or destination; dispatch; convey. 2. to communicate, as information or news. 3. to pass or spread (disease,… … Universalium
transmit — Synonyms and related words: abalienate, add a codicil, address, air express, airfreight, airmail, alien, alienate, amortize, assign, barter, beam, bequeath, break, broadcast, cable, carry, carry over, cede, channel, communicate, conduct, confer,… … Moby Thesaurus
transmit — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. send, transfer, convey, forward, post, mail, wire, telegraph; impart, hand down; admit, conduct; emit, broadcast, communicate. See transportation. II (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To send] Syn. dispatch,… … English dictionary for students