transmission link
Смотреть что такое "transmission link" в других словарях:
transmission link — perdavimo grandis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. transmission link vok. Übertragungsglied, n rus. звено передачи, n pranc. circuit de transfert, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
data transmission link — duomenų perdavimo linija statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. data transmission link vok. Datenübermittlungsstrecke, f rus. линия передачи данных, f pranc. liaison de transmission de données, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Link adaptation — Link adaptation, or adaptive coding and modulation (ACM), is a term used in wireless communications to denote the matching of the modulation, coding and other signal and protocol parameters to the conditions on the radio link (e.g. the pathloss,… … Wikipedia
Link Layer — is a term used in the general classification (layering) of internetworking methods used in the TCP/IP suite of protocols used for the Internet (RFC 1122). It is the group of methods, protocols, and specifications that is closest to the physical… … Wikipedia
Transmission d'energie electrique sans fil — Transmission d énergie sans fil Demande de traduction Wireless energy transfer → … Wikipédia en Français
Transmission d'énergie électrique sans fil — Transmission d énergie sans fil Demande de traduction Wireless energy transfer → … Wikipédia en Français
Transmission and infection of H5N1 — from infected avian sources to humans is a concern due to the global spread of H5N1 that constitutes a pandemic threat.Infected birds pass on H5N1 through their saliva, nasal secretions, and feces. Other birds may pick up the virus through direct … Wikipedia
Link 16 — (TADIL J) тип военной тактической сети обмена данных, близкому к реальному. Используется США и странами НАТО. Является одной из составных частей семейства тактических сетей передачи данных TADIL (англ. Tactical Digital Information Link … Википедия
Link 22 — is a NATO standard for wireless information interchange between military units. Link 22 is also a very robust Ad Hoc Mobile Multi Radio Network, specialized in Military Tactical Information exchange.The development of Link 22 started in 1992 as… … Wikipedia
Link 16 — is a military inter computer data exchange format of NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.With Link 16, military aircraft as well as ships and ground forces may exchange their tactical picture in near real time. Link 16 also supports the… … Wikipedia
Link level — Link level: In the hierarchical structure of a primary or secondary station, the conceptual level of control or data processing logic that controls the data link. Note: Link level functions provide an between the station high level logic and the… … Wikipedia