transitivity relation

transitivity relation
мат. отношение транзитивности

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "transitivity relation" в других словарях:

  • Transitivity — The term transitivity may refer to:In grammar * Transitivity (grammatical category) * Transitive verb, when a verb takes an object * Intransitive verbIn logic and mathematics * Transitive relation, a binary relation * Transitive group action *… …   Wikipedia

  • relation — relationless, adj. /ri lay sheuhn/, n. 1. an existing connection; a significant association between or among things: the relation between cause and effect. 2. relations, a. the various connections between peoples, countries, etc.: foreign… …   Universalium

  • transitivity — noun 1. (logic and mathematics) a relation between three elements such that if it holds between the first and second and it also holds between the second and third it must necessarily hold between the first and third • Topics: ↑logic,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Transitivity (mathematics) — In mathematics, the word transitive admits at least three distinct meanings:* A group G acts transitively on a set S if for any x , y ∈ S , there is some g ∈ G such that gx = y . See group action. A somewhat related meaning is explained at… …   Wikipedia

  • Transitive relation — In mathematics, a binary relation R over a set X is transitive if whenever an element a is related to an element b , and b is in turn related to an element c , then a is also related to c . Transitivity is a key property of both partial order… …   Wikipedia

  • Partial equivalence relation — In mathematics, a partial equivalence relation (often abbreviated as PER) R on a set X is a relation which is symmetric and transitive . In other words, it holds for all a, b and c in X that:# (Symmetry) if a R b then b R a # (Transitivity) if a… …   Wikipedia

  • Apartness relation — In constructive mathematics, an apartness relation is a constructive form of inequality, and is often taken to be more basic than equality. It is often written as # to distinguish from the so called denial inequality , e, which is weaker. An… …   Wikipedia

  • Equivalence relation — In mathematics, an equivalence relation is a binary relation between two elements of a set which groups them together as being equivalent in some way. Let a , b , and c be arbitrary elements of some set X . Then a b or a ≡ b denotes that a is… …   Wikipedia

  • Congruence relation — See congruence (geometry) for the term as used in elementary geometry. In abstract algebra, a congruence relation (or simply congruence) is an equivalence relation on an algebraic structure (such as a group, ring, or vector space) that is… …   Wikipedia

  • Accessibility relation — An accessibility relation is a binary relation R,! between possible worlds which has very powerful uses in both the formal/theoretical aspects of modal logic as well as in its applications to things like epistemology, metaphysics, and value… …   Wikipedia

  • Dependency relation — In mathematics and computer science, a dependency relation is a binary relation that is finite, symmetric, and reflexive; i.e. a finite tolerance relation. That is, it is a finite set of ordered pairs D, such that If then (symmetric) If a is an… …   Wikipedia

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