transitive class
Смотреть что такое "transitive class" в других словарях:
class-angle — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ transitive verb : to present or treat (as a news story) in such a way as to point up or emphasize class interests or social conflict … Useful english dictionary
Transitive set — In set theory, a set (or class) A is transitive, if * whenever x ∈ A , and y ∈ x , then y ∈ A , or, equivalently, * whenever x ∈ A , and x is not an urelement, then x is a subset of A .The transitive closure of a set A is the smallest (with… … Wikipedia
Transitive closure — In mathematics, the transitive closure of a binary relation R on a set X is the smallest transitive relation on X that contains R .For example, if X is a set of airports and xRy means there is a direct flight from airport x to airport y , then… … Wikipedia
Transitive verb — In syntax, a transitive verb is a verb that requires both a subject and one or more objects. Some examples of sentences with transitive verbs:* Harry sees Adam. (Adam is the direct object of sees ) * You lifted the bag. (bag is the direct object… … Wikipedia
class — I UK [klɑːs] / US [klæs] noun Word forms class : singular class plural classes *** Differences between British and American English: class: In both the UK and the US, a class is usually a group of students who are learning together: Jill and I… … English dictionary
class — class1 [ klæs ] noun *** ▸ 1 students taught together ▸ 2 group in society ▸ 3 group of things/people ▸ 4 standard of service ▸ 5 group in a competition ▸ 6 style/ability/skill ▸ 7 university degree level ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count a group of… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
class — 1 noun 1 IN A SOCIETY a) (C) one of the groups in a society that people can be divided into according to their jobs, income, the kind of family they have etc: the professional classes | class differences/distinctions/privileges etc: Class… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
class — I. noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: French classe, from Latin classis group called to military service, fleet, class; perhaps akin to Latin calare to call more at low Date: 1602 1. a. a body of students meeting regularly to study the same … New Collegiate Dictionary
transitive animate — adjective Belonging to the class of transitive verbs that take animate direct objects … Wiktionary
Residue class-wise affine group — In mathematics, residue class wise affine groups are certain permutation groups acting on mathbb{Z} (the integers),whose elements are bijective residue class wise affine mappings.A mapping f: mathbb{Z} ightarrow mathbb{Z} is called residue class… … Wikipedia
de|class — «dee KLAS, KLAHS», transitive verb. to remove or degrade from one s class; cause to lose standing: »The Beats have some collateral relationships to working class life (they appropriate its décor in any event) but, fundamentally, they are… … Useful english dictionary