transition tree

transition tree
мат. дерево переходов

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "transition tree" в других словарях:

  • Transition Tree — The Transition Tree is one of the Thinking Processes of Eliyahu Goldratt s Theory of Constraints …   Wikipedia

  • Tree — /tree/, n. Sir Herbert Beerbohm /bear bohm/, (Herbert Beerbohm), 1853 1917, English actor and theater manager; brother of Max Beerbohm. * * * I Woody perennial plant. Most trees have a single self supporting trunk containing woody tissues, and in …   Universalium

  • Tree automaton — A tree automaton is a type of state machine. Tree automata deal with tree structures, rather than the strings of more conventional state machines. The following article deals with branching tree automata, which correspond to regular languages of… …   Wikipedia

  • tree — treelike, adj. /tree/, n., v., treed, treeing. n. 1. a plant having a permanently woody main stem or trunk, ordinarily growing to a considerable height, and usually developing branches at some distance from the ground. 2. any of various shrubs,… …   Universalium

  • Tree line — The tree line or timberline is the edge of the habitat at which trees are capable of growing. Beyond the tree line, they are unable to grow because of inappropriate environmental conditions (usually cold temperatures, insufficient air pressure,… …   Wikipedia

  • Tree walking automaton — A tree walking automaton (TWA) is a type of finite automaton that deals with tree structures rather than strings.The following article deals with tree walking automata. For a different notion of tree automaton, closely related to regular tree… …   Wikipedia

  • Spanning tree protocol — The Spanning Tree Protocol is an OSI layer 2 protocol that ensures a loop free topology for any bridged LAN. It is based on an algorithm invented by Radia Perlman while working for Digital Equipment Corporationcite… …   Wikipedia

  • Spanning Tree Protocol — Internet protocol suite Application layer BGP DHCP DNS FTP HTTP …   Wikipedia

  • Computation tree logic — Computation tree logic (CTL) is a branching time logic, meaning that its model of time is a tree like structure in which the future is not determined; there are different paths in the future, any one of which might be an actual path that is… …   Wikipedia

  • Porcupine Tree — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Porcupine. Porcupine Tree …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Spanning tree protocol — Détermination d un spanning tree Le Spanning Tree Protocol (aussi appelé STP) est un protocole réseau de niveau 2 permettant de déterminer une topologie réseau sans boucle (appelée arbre) dans les LAN avec ponts. Il est défini dans la norme IEEE… …   Wikipédia en Français

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