transit-time difference
Смотреть что такое "transit-time difference" в других словарях:
transit time flowmeter — transit time ultrasonic flowmeter, transit time ultrasound flowmeter a type of ultrasonic flowmeter that compares the ultrasound transit time in both directions between two transducers and from the difference is able to calculate velocity and… … Medical dictionary
List of works with the equal transit-time fallacy — NOTOC This is a partial list of works with the equal transit time fallacy presented as truth. [ *1940s*| quote = If the air mass travels a greater distance in the same time it must move faster in order to reach the trailing edge of the wing in… … Wikipedia
Time dilation — This article is about a concept in physics. For the concept in sociology, see time displacement. In the theory of relativity, time dilation is an observed difference of elapsed time between two events as measured by observers either moving… … Wikipedia
Time-of-flight — The time of flight (TOF) describes the method used to measure the time that it takes for a particle, object or stream to reach a detector while traveling over a known distance. In time of flight mass spectrometry, ions are accelerated by an… … Wikipedia
Transit of Venus — A transit of Venus across the Sun takes place when the planet Venus passes directly between the Sun and Earth, obscuring a small portion of the Sun s disk. During a transit, Venus can be seen from Earth as a small black disk moving across the… … Wikipedia
Mean sojourn time — The mean sojourn time for an object in a system is a mathematical term for the amount of time an object is expected to spend in a system before leaving the system for good. Contents 1 Explanation 2 Calculation 3 See also 4 References … Wikipedia
mass transit — a system of large scale public transportation in a given metropolitan area, typically comprising buses, subways, and elevated trains. Cf. rapid transit. * * * Transportation systems, usually publicly but sometimes privately owned and operated,… … Universalium
Winnipeg Transit — A Winnipeg bus still in the older transit orange and cream paint scheme Founded 1882 … Wikipedia
Mass Rapid Transit (Singapore) — Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) 大众快速交通 (地铁) Sistem Pengangkutan Gerak Cepat துரிதக் கடவு ரயில் Info Owner … Wikipedia
Dallas Area Rapid Transit — Arapaho Center Light Rail Station … Wikipedia
New York City transit fares — The fares for services operated under the brands of MTA Regional Bus Operations (Regional Bus) (NYC Bus, LI Bus, MTA Bus) and the Westchester County Bee Line System (Bee Line) are listed below. Contents 1 Current fares 1.1 Base fares 1.2 … Wikipedia