- transistor-magnetic
- магнитно-полупроводный, магнитнополупроводниковый
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Magnetic core memory — Magnetic core memory, or ferrite core memory, is an early form of random access computer memory. It uses small magnetic ceramic rings, the cores , through which wires are threaded to store information via the polarity of the magnetic field they… … Wikipedia
Magnetic amplifier — The magnetic amplifier (colloquially known as a mag amp ) is an electromagnetic device for amplifying electrical signals. The magnetic amplifier was invented early in the 20th century, and was used as an alternative to vacuum tube amplifiers… … Wikipedia
Transistor computer — A Transistor computer was a computer which used transistors instead of vacuum tubes. The first generation of electronic computers used vacuum tubes, which generated large amounts of heat, were bulky, and were unreliable. A second generation of… … Wikipedia
Magnetic amplifiers (history) — The magnetic amplifier (sometimes called a self saturated amplifier ) is a magnetic device consisting of a saturable reactor (transformer) modulated by a direct current. This DC current is introduced in the primary winding of an iron core… … Wikipedia
Unijunction transistor — Unijunction transistors Circuit symbol A unijun … Wikipedia
History of the transistor — Invention of the transistor= The first patent [patent|US|1745175|Julius Edgar Lilienfeld: Method and apparatus for controlling electric current first filed in Canada on 22.10.1925, describing a device similar to a MESFET] for the field effect… … Wikipedia
Spin transistor — The magnetically sensitive transistor (also known as the spin transistor or spintronic transistor named for spintronics, the technology which this development spawned), originally proposed in 1990 and currently still being developed, is an… … Wikipedia
Spin-Transistor — Der Spin Transistor, abgekürzt Spin FET, stellt eine Gruppe von speziellen Feldeffekttransistoren (FET) dar, welche die quantenmechanische Eigenschaft des Spin von Elektronen im Rahmen des Rashba Effektes nutzen. Herkömmliche… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Organic light-emitting transistor — An organic light emitting transistor (OLET) is a form of transistor that emits light. These transistors have been claimed to have potential for digital displays and on chip optical interconnects.[1] OLET is a new light emission concept, providing … Wikipedia
PTML — Positive negative positive negative Transistor Magnetic Logic ( > IEEE Standard Dictionary ) … Acronyms
PTML — Positive negative positive negative Transistor Magnetic Logic ( > IEEE Standard Dictionary ) … Acronyms von A bis Z