transient surge
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Transient flow — is such a flow where the velocity and pressure changes over time. Transient flows usually occurs during the starting or stopping of a pump, the opening or closing of a tank, or simple changes in tank levels. Transient flow usually refers to surge … Wikipedia
transient — [tran′shənt, tran′sē ənt; tran′zhənt, tran′zē ənt] adj. [L transiens, prp. of transire: see TRANSIT] 1. a) passing away with time; not permanent; temporary; transitory b) passing quickly or soon; fleeting; ephemeral ☆ 2. staying only for a short… … English World dictionary
Surge protector — A surge protector is an appliance designed to protect electrical devices from voltage spikes. A surge protector attempts to regulate the voltage supplied to an electric device by either blocking or by shorting to ground voltages above a safe… … Wikipedia
transient — /ˈtrænziənt / (say tranzeeuhnt) adjective 1. passing with time; not lasting or enduring; transitory. 2. lasting only for a time; temporary: transient authority. 3. remaining for only a short time, as a guest at a hotel. 4. Philosophy → transeunt …
Transient (oscillation) — A transient event is a short lived oscillation in a system caused by a sudden change of voltage, current or load.ElectricsIn electrical and electronic engineering these sudden changes are mostly found as the result of the operation of switching… … Wikipedia
transient — 1. adjective a) Passing or disappearing with time; transitory. b) Remaining for only a brief time. Ant: recurrent 2. noun … Wiktionary
surge — I. verb (surged; surging) Etymology: earlier, to ride (at anchor) probably in part from Middle French sourgir to cast anchor, land, from Catalan surgir to heave, cast anchor, from Latin surgere to rise, spring up; from sub up + regere to lead… … New Collegiate Dictionary
surge — 1. noun /sɝʤ/ a) The swell or heave of the sea. (FM 55 501). He felt a surge of excitement. b) A sudden rush, flood or increase which is transient … Wiktionary
transient disturbance — F/A/V a momentary variation in power such as a surge, spike, sag, blackout, noise, or other type of transient … Audio and video glossary
transient — See surge … Dictionary of networking
endocrine system, human — ▪ anatomy Introduction group of ductless glands (gland) that regulate body processes by secreting chemical substances called hormones (hormone). Hormones act on nearby tissues or are carried in the bloodstream to act on specific target organs… … Universalium