transformation function

transformation function
мат. функция преобразования

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "transformation function" в других словарях:

  • Transformation (function) — In mathematics, a transformation could be any function mapping a set X on to another set or on to itself. However, often the set X has some additional algebraic or geometric structure and the term transformation refers to a function from X to… …   Wikipedia

  • Transformation matrix — In linear algebra, linear transformations can be represented by matrices. If T is a linear transformation mapping Rn to Rm and x is a column vector with n entries, then for some m×n matrix A, called the transformation matrix of T. There is an… …   Wikipedia

  • Transformation de mellin — En mathématiques, la transformation de Mellin est une transformation intégrale qui peut être considérée comme la version multiplicative de la transformation de Laplace bilatérale. Cette transformation intégrale est fortement reliée à la théorie… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Transformation/transcription domain-associated protein — Transformation/transcription domain associated protein, also known as TRRAP, is a human gene.This is an adapter protein, which is found in various multiprotein chromatin complexes with histone acetyltransferase activity (HAT), which gives a… …   Wikipedia

  • Transformation (geometry) — In mathematics, a transformation could be any function from a set X to itself. However, often the set X has some additional algebraic or geometric structure and the term transformation refers to a function from X to itself which preserves this… …   Wikipedia

  • Function composition — For function composition in computer science, see function composition (computer science). g ∘ f, the composition of f and g. For example, (g ∘ f)(c) = #. In mathematics, function composition is the application of one function to the resul …   Wikipedia

  • Transformation problem — In 20th century discussions of Karl Marx s economics the transformation problem is the problem of finding a general rule to transform the values of commodities (based on labour according to his labour theory of value) into the competitive prices… …   Wikipedia

  • Transformation semigroup — In algebra, a transformation semigroup (or composition semigroup) is a collection of functions from a set to itself which is closed under function composition. If it includes the identity function, it is a transformation (or composition) monoid.… …   Wikipedia

  • transformation — transformational, adj. /trans feuhr may sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of transforming. 2. the state of being transformed. 3. change in form, appearance, nature, or character. 4. Theat. a seemingly miraculous change in the appearance of… …   Universalium

  • Transformation of the United States Army — Army Transformation describes the future concept of the United States Army s plan of modernization. Transformation is a generalized term for the integration of new concepts, organizations, and technology within the armed forces of the United… …   Wikipedia

  • Function model — A function model or functional model is a structured representation of the functions, activities or processes within the modeled system or subject area. [ FIPS Publication 183] released of IDEFØ December …   Wikipedia

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