transfer railroad
Смотреть что такое "transfer railroad" в других словарях:
Railroad — Rail road (r[=a]l r[=o]d ), Railway Rail way (r[=a]l w[=a] ), n. 1. A road or way consisting of one or more parallel series of iron or steel rails, patterned and adjusted to be tracks for the wheels of vehicles, and suitably supported on a bed or … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Transfer Office — Shortly before W.W. I, Transfer Clerks were assigned at some of the larger railroad junction points. These Transfer Office (TO) facilities were space exclusively used by Railway Mail Service and Postal Transportation Service clerks that were… … Wikipedia
Transfer — Trans fer, n. 1. The act of transferring, or the state of being transferred; the removal or conveyance of a thing from one place or person to another. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) The conveyance of right, title, or property, either real or personal,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Transfer day — Transfer Trans fer, n. 1. The act of transferring, or the state of being transferred; the removal or conveyance of a thing from one place or person to another. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) The conveyance of right, title, or property, either real or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Transfer office — Transfer Trans fer, n. 1. The act of transferring, or the state of being transferred; the removal or conveyance of a thing from one place or person to another. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) The conveyance of right, title, or property, either real or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Transfer paper — Transfer Trans fer, n. 1. The act of transferring, or the state of being transferred; the removal or conveyance of a thing from one place or person to another. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) The conveyance of right, title, or property, either real or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Transfer table — Transfer Trans fer, n. 1. The act of transferring, or the state of being transferred; the removal or conveyance of a thing from one place or person to another. [1913 Webster] 2. (Law) The conveyance of right, title, or property, either real or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
transfer post office — (TPO) A service unit, usually located at a main postal truck or railroad terminal or airport mail center/facility, where the transfer of mail between carriers is complicated, voluminous, and requires supervision … Glossary of postal terms
Railroad switch — For other uses, see Switch (disambiguation). A right hand railroad switch with point indicator pointing to right … Wikipedia
Railroad tie — While wooden ties dominate North American railways, concrete is widely used in other parts of the world. A railroad tie/railway tie (North America), or railway sleeper (Europe) is a rectangular item used to support the rails in railroad tracks.… … Wikipedia
Railroad terminals serving New York City — New York City Railroads ca. 1900 The table below shows all railroad lines that have served New York City and what terminal they used. A red background indicates that the railroad owned a part or full share of the terminal. railroad Penn Station… … Wikipedia