transfer film

transfer film
пленка, перенесенная на контртело

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "transfer film" в других словарях:

  • Transfer (film) — Transfer est le premier court métrage de David Cronenberg. Il a été réalisé en 1966. Fiche technique Réalisation, scénario, photographie et montage : David Cronenberg Son : Margaret Hindson et Stephen Nosoko Tourné à Toronto Durée  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Transfer (film) — Transfer is a 1966 short film written, shot, edited and directed by David Cronenberg. It features Mort Ritts and Rafe Macpherson and has a runtime of 7 minutes. In Cronenberg on Cronenberg , edited by Chris Rodley (ISBN 0 571 19137 1), Cronenberg …   Wikipedia

  • Transfer — (film) Transfer est le premier court métrage de David Cronenberg. Il a été réalisé en 1966. Fiche technique Réalisation, scénario, photographie et montage : David Cronenberg Son : Margaret Hindson et Stephen Nosoko Tourné à Toronto… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Transfer — (lat. transferre „hinüberbringen“) bezeichnet: eine Methode in der Maschinellen Übersetzung in der Pädagogischen Psychologie die Übertragung von Wissen und Fertigkeiten in neue Anwendungen, siehe Lerntransfer der Datenaustausch in der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Film gate — The film gate is the rectangular opening in the front of a motion picture camera where the film is exposed to light. The film gate can be seen by removing the lens and rotating the shutter out of the way. The film is held on a uniform plane at a… …   Wikipedia

  • Film Chain — VP A video camera, slide projector, and film projector in a unit designed to transfer film images to video …   Audio and video glossary

  • Film perforations — Film perforations, also known as perfs, are the holes placed in the film stock during manufacturing and used for transporting (via sprockets and claws) and steadying (via pin registration) the film. Films may have different types of perforations… …   Wikipedia

  • Film-out — is the process in the computer graphics, video and filmmaking disciplines of transferring images or animation from videotape or digital files to a traditional celluloid film print. Film out is a broad term that encompasses the conversion of frame …   Wikipedia

  • Film adaptation — is the transfer of a written work to a feature film. It is a type of derivative work. A common form of film adaptation is the use of a novel as the basis of a feature film, but film adaptation includes the use of non fiction (including… …   Wikipedia

  • Film Australia — was a company established by the Government of Australia to produce films about Australia. Its mission was to create an audio visual record of Australian culture, through the commissioning, distribution and management of programs that deal with… …   Wikipedia

  • transfer — ♦♦ transfers, transferring, transferred (The verb is pronounced [[t]trænsfɜ͟ː(r)[/t]]. The noun is pronounced [[t]træ̱nsfɜː(r)[/t]].) 1) V ERG If you transfer something or someone from one place to another, or they transfer from one place to… …   English dictionary

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