transfer case
Смотреть что такое "transfer case" в других словарях:
Transfer case — A transfer case is a part of a four wheel drive system found in four wheel drive and all wheel drive vehicles. The transfer case is connected to the transmission and also to the front and rear axles by means of driveshafts. It is also referred to … Wikipedia
transfer case — An auxiliary device in a 4 wheel drive vehicle that allows power to be delivered to both axles. Normally the transfer case incorporates a shifting device so that the front drive can be disconnected, if desired, for running on pavement. Also see… … Dictionary of automotive terms
transfer case — noun 1. : a filing unit for storage of inactive correspondence or records 2. : a housing containing gears used to distribute the driving power between the axles of vehicles equipped with more than one driving axle and usually having a shifting… … Useful english dictionary
case — See basket case battery case chain case converter case differential case top case transfer case … Dictionary of automotive terms
transfer box — See transfer case … Dictionary of automotive terms
transfer — trans·fer 1 /trans fər, trans ˌfər/ vt trans·ferred, trans·fer·ring: to cause a transfer of trans·fer·abil·i·ty /trans ˌfər ə bi lə tē, ˌtrans fər / n trans·fer·able also trans·fer·ra·ble /trans fər ə bəl/ adj trans·fer·or /trans fər ȯr, tr … Law dictionary
Transfer pricing — refers to the pricing of contributions (assets, tangible and intangible, services, and funds) transferred within an organization. For example, goods from the production division may be sold to the marketing division, or goods from a parent… … Wikipedia
Transfer hydrogenation — is the addition of hydrogen (H2; dihydrogen in inorganic and organometallic chemistry) to a molecule from a source other than gaseous H2. It is applied in industry and in organic synthesis, in part because of the inconvenience and expense of… … Wikipedia
Transfer Walsh — is a system method used in bridge. Using Transfer Walsh Transfer Walsh is used responding to partner s 1Clubs opening bid [] . The main responses are as follows: * 1Diams: Shows a minimum of… … Wikipedia
transfer — vb 1 *move, remove, shift Analogous words: *carry, convey, transport, transmit: *commit, consign 2 Transfer, convey, alienate, deed are comparable chiefly as legal terms meaning to make over property from one owner to another. Transfer is the… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Transfer Office — Shortly before W.W. I, Transfer Clerks were assigned at some of the larger railroad junction points. These Transfer Office (TO) facilities were space exclusively used by Railway Mail Service and Postal Transportation Service clerks that were… … Wikipedia