- transcriptase
- транскриптаза (ДНК-зависимая РНК-полимераза) reverse transcriptase
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
transcriptase — [ trɑ̃skriptaz ] n. f. • 1975; mot angl., de transcription et ase ♦ Biochim. Transcriptase inverse : enzyme qui catalyse la synthèse d A. R. N. à partir d une matrice d A. D. N. ⇒ rétrovirus. ● transcriptase nom féminin Enzyme qui catalyse la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
transcriptase — [tran skrip′tās] n. [ TRANSCRIPT(ION) + ASE] an RNA POLYMERASE that uses DNA as a template to produce ribosomal RNA, transfer RNA, or messenger RNA: cf. REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE … English World dictionary
transcriptase — noun Etymology: transcription + ase Date: 1963 RNA polymerase; also reverse transcriptase … New Collegiate Dictionary
transcriptase — See reverse transcriptase … Dictionary of molecular biology
transcriptase — A polymerase associated with the process of transcription; may be RNA dependent or DNA dependent. [L. transcribo, pp. transcriptum, to copy, + ase] reverse t. rNA dependent DNA polymerase, present in virions of RNA tumor viruses (retroviruses). * … Medical dictionary
transcriptase — [tran skrɪpteɪz, trα:n ] noun Biochemistry an enzyme which catalyses the formation of RNA from a DNA template, or (reverse transcriptase), the formation of DNA from an RNA template … English new terms dictionary
Transcriptase inverse — du VIH 1. N° EC … Wikipédia en Français
Transcriptase réverse — Transcriptase inverse Transcriptase inverse Général Synonymes EC … Wikipédia en Français
Transcriptase inverse — ● Transcriptase inverse enzyme intracellulaire réalisant la transcription (transfert de l information génétique) de l acide ribonucléique (A.R.N.) en acide désoxyribonucléique (A.D.N.), et non de l A.D.N. en A.R.N., comme cela se produit… … Encyclopédie Universelle
transcriptase — (trans krip teīs) An enzyme that catalyzes transcription; in viruses with RNA genomes, this enzyme is an RNA dependent RNA polymerase that is used to make RNA copies of the RNA genomes … Dictionary of microbiology
transcriptase — /tran skrip tays, tayz/, n. Biochem. See RNA polymerase. [1963; TRANSCRIPT(ION) + ASE] * * * … Universalium