- transaction context
- контекст транзакции (объект, используемый для обеспечения клиентскому приложению возможности включения в одну транзакцию одного или нескольких объектов)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Context management — is a dynamic computer process that uses subjects of data in one application, to point to data resident in a separate application also containing the same subject. Context Management allows users to choose a subject once in one application, and… … Wikipedia
transaction — The delivery of a security by a seller and its acceptance by the buyer. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary This term is context dependent. From an operational standpoint, it refers to a matched trade, but it has a different meaning for clearing… … Financial and business terms
transaction — In a Euroclear context, it is the result of the matching and execution of either a purchase or sale order with compatible opposite orders … Euroclear glossary
Java Transaction API — The Java Transaction API (JTA) is one of the Java EE APIs allowing distributed transactions to be done across multiple XA resources. JTA is a specification developed under the Java Community Process as JSR 907. JTA provides for:* demarcation of… … Wikipedia
Microsoft Transaction Server — (MTS) was software that provided services to Component Object Model (COM) software components, to make it easier to create large distributed applications. The major services provided by MTS were automated transaction management, instance… … Wikipedia
Online transaction processing — Online transaction processing, or OLTP, refers to a class of systems that facilitate and manage transaction oriented applications, typically for data entry and retrieval transaction processing. The term is somewhat ambiguous; some understand a… … Wikipedia
Compensating transaction — The execution of a business process consists of one or more transactions. Each transaction may consist of several individual operations yet, as a whole, it moves the system between consistent states. There are two groups of systems where… … Wikipedia
Currency transaction report — A currency transaction report (CTR) is a report that U.S. financial institutions are required to file for each deposit, withdrawal, exchange of currency, or other payment or transfer, by, through, or to the financial institution which involves a… … Wikipedia
related party transaction — In the context of the Listing Rules, a transaction between a listed company and a related party of that company. Chapter 11 of the Listing Rules regulates these transactions. Related links class tests related party … Law dictionary
Division of Labour & Transaction Costs — Abbreviated title (ISO) DLTC Discipline Economics … Wikipedia
Generic Security Service Algorithm for Secret Key Transaction — GSS TSIG (Generic Security Service Algorithm for Secret Key Transaction) is an authentication protocol for DNS, which is the extension to TSIG Protocol. The GSS TSIG is a frame work of GSS API to provide authentication, integrity and… … Wikipedia