Смотреть что такое "trans-shipment" в других словарях:
trans-shipment — trans ship ► VERB (trans shipped, trans shipping) ▪ transfer (cargo) from one ship or other form of transport to another. DERIVATIVES trans shipment noun … English terms dictionary
trans-shipment — trans ship, trans shipment are the preferred forms, not tranship, transhipment … Modern English usage
trans-shipment bill — Where there is more than one mode of transport e.g. sea/road/rail, a combined transport bill of lading may usually be entered into, rendering the transporter responsible from receipt of the goods until delivery. A trans shipment bill of lading… … Law dictionary
trans-shipment point — krovinių perkrovimo punktas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Vieta, kurioje kroviniai perkraunami iš vienų transporto priemonių į kitas. atitikmenys: angl. trans shipment point pranc. point de transbordement … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
trans-shipment — … Useful english dictionary
trans-ship — ► VERB (trans shipped, trans shipping) ▪ transfer (cargo) from one ship or other form of transport to another. DERIVATIVES trans shipment noun … English terms dictionary
trans-ship — trans ship, trans shipment are the preferred forms, not tranship, transhipment … Modern English usage
trans-ship — (also tranship) verb (trans ships, trans shipping, trans shipped) transfer (cargo) from one ship or other form of transport to another. Derivatives trans shipment noun … English new terms dictionary
Trans-Israel pipeline — The Trans Israel pipeline ( he. קו צינור אילת אשקלון), also known as the Tipline or the Eilat Ashkelon Pipeline was built in 1968 to transport crude oil from Iran to Europe. The 254 km, 42 pipeline s capacity from a special pier in Ashkelon to… … Wikipedia
Transport in Tanzania — is mainly road transport, supplemented by rail. Tanzania s road network, however, is of limited quality and especially the tarmac roads are few. Dirt roads often turn unpassable in rainy seasons and can halt traffic for days on end or even weeks … Wikipedia
Anderton Boat Lift — The Anderton Boat Lift near the village of Anderton, Cheshire, in north west England provides a convert|50|ft|m|1 vertical link between two navigable waterways: the River Weaver and the Trent and Mersey Canal.Built in 1875, the boat lift was in… … Wikipedia